Feelin icky...

Dec 22, 2010

I've been having some issues since graduating from liquids.   The only thing that I can eat right now that doesnt bother me are scrambled eggs.   I tried some watermelon, and it made me feel so uncomfortable and bloated.   I don't want to over-do it, so for now I guess I am sticking to the eggs and protein shakes.   I went back to work on Tuesday and only made it a few hours before I had to come home b/c I was not feeling well.    I decided to take the rest of the week off to try and rest and heal more and am planning on going back to work on Monday full time.  Today when the hubbs gets home, I think we are going to go the gym and see what we can do...  kind of looking forward to this.   I miss going to the gym.  Before we moved here, we went to the gym all the time and had the best trainer ever.... 


About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2009
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