Working On

Get excited about my life again.

5 working on · 2 achieved
Working On

Fit comfortably in any seat I choose (lawnchair, movie theater, airplane etc.)

600 working on · 385 achieved
Working On

no longer be considered morbidly obese

34 working on · 45 achieved
Working On

workout without becoming short of breath

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

Become the person I have always wanted to be... Healthy, happy, energetic. FUN!!

232 working on · 37 achieved
Working On

to be able to wrap a regualr towel around me

15 working on · 15 achieved
Working On

Go shopping without having to always go to the plus section.

30 working on · 19 achieved
Working On

Go to the beach and actually be proud of how i look

50 working on · 7 achieved
Working On

Start a family!!

20 working on · 2 achieved
Working On

lose as much as possible within the first year of surgery

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 12/07/2010

Being able to cross my legs

17 working on · 31 achieved

to be able to enjoy being in public again

10 working on · 4 achieved
About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2009
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 9
