Jaime Breckenridge

-99LBS, this is my 8 week out update

Dec 08, 2008

I must say I am pleasantly surprised.  I did not think I would lose this kind of weight and feel like it would stay off permanently but I am beginning to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Not too much going on but I am still dealing with a lot of very loose stools, I am putting that nicely.  ImmodiumAD does nothing to slow it down, I wished something would help.


Today Dec. 3 surgery Oct. 13 I have lost 93lbs

Dec 03, 2008

WOW.  Okay I am in awe of this surgery.  93 lbs from the day I got out of the hospital on October 16th.

I have ten days to my 2 month mark and I hope I can lose the other 7 cause that would be cool.


I can finally say I feel good... Nay, great!

Dec 02, 2008

Man what a road to recovery.  I am so thankful for my wife and son, I know I have said this a few times but I really am thankful for both of them.  My mother's (mom and step-mom aka mom2) and my father have been great and really my entire family has been very supportive.

I was really tickled because everyone else was worried about what I could eat at thanksgiving.  No one wanted me to go hungry.  They just don't understand, I have not been hungry since the day I had the surgery.  I have to remind myself to eat.  Now I am not saying that I do not see a food and think, man that looks good, but I have not had a single genuine feeling of hunger.

I am about to post some 6 week post op photo's and I will weigh myself tomorrow.  I have to go to the hospital to get weighed because scales that weigh someone my size are very expensive.  Today I am 7 weeks and a day out from my surgery date.

I thank everyone that gave me words of encouragement and I pray that you all do well in your wl journey.



Nov 27, 2008

I have so much to be thankful for this year... my wife of 16 years, my 14 year old son, coming through the surgery relatively unscathed.  My wife has tolerated so much from me over the years and the last few months have been such a strain on the family.  I am starting to get into the groove of feeling better but I am struggling with my incision not being healed and not being able to drink much due to the ulcer and the esophagus.

I did have a little turkey, a little smoked turkey, one single bit of sweet potato pie, a single bit of mashed taters with a few drops of gravy, two small bits of homemade rolls with butter and a sliver and I mean sliver of pumpkin pie (no cool whip added).  Everything went great.  then tonight we ordered pizza when at home and I ate too fast and threw up for 20 minutes.

I cannot tolerate no fat milk, soy milk, lactaid or goats milk.  It is pretty depressing because I have always drank a large amount of milk in my life.  I love cereal and that is a no-no now.  I know that I am down 80 some pounds but I am not feeling all that great yet.  I cannot get enough fluids or protein to feel well yet.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  I had a great day spending time with family.


Finally getting energy back

Nov 14, 2008

OK, so I had another appointment with Dr. Rossi today.  Monday will be 5 weeks and I have lost a ton of weight.  I am feeling better now that I can eat more food and keep liquids down.

The nexium works great.

I am back to school and getting more and more energy back each day.  I do wish that my stools were more consistent but that will come in time I imagine.

So far the only things that really both me intestinally are processed foods and other things with preservatives.

I hated every single day the first 4 weeks or so and over the last week I have converted.

My incision is almost healed and everything is going well.  I will post more photos soon.  I have lost a total of 74 lbs, not counting the water gain in the hospital.  74 lbs in less than 5 weeks, wow!


feeling better but not great

Nov 04, 2008

I am finally beginning to become content.  I can hold food down.  I can drink, not as much as I want but I am drinking enough that I do not feel dehydrated.  My incision is coming along nicely, I think.  There were 4 "holes" one is sealed up, two are very shallow and the large one is coming along.  As long as I can ward off any infection I will be doing great by the time I visit my surgeon November 14th.

I spent a good deal of yesterday trying to find a place to rent an electric scooter but no one rents them.  If I could find one to use for 3 weeks I could go back to school (Western Illinois University) and not miss anymore classes.  I hate to get too far behind.

Anyway, All is getting better and I feel like I am nearing the top of the uphill battle.  Now that I can drink I am going to start focusing on all that darn protein.  80-100 grams is tough when everything has to be pureed.

I have had corned beef and hash, Campbell's Chunky Sirloin soup (pureed), pork chops, taters with cream of mushroom soup (pureed together) and scrambled eggs and some cheese.  So far, the only thing to give me stomach problems and diarrhea is the cup of skim milk I drank.


McDonough Dist. Hospital in Macomb, IL stinks

Nov 01, 2008

I went in to be assessed for dehydration and they only gave me a single bag of fluids.  the surgeons said I needed 2-3 bags.  The hospital in Macomb sucks.  Maybe I will have to hit several small hospitals around here and get a bag from each one.  Sort of like a druggie getting a fix, heh.

I am in better spirits today but in a bad mood, does that make any sense?  I forced myself to drink 20 ounces yesterday afternoon/evening.  so far today I have had 4 ounces and it is 11am.  so I need to do better.  I did get 2 ounces of corn beef and hash down last night.   I am about to try 2 ounces of cottage cheese. 

If things do not turn around soon I am going to start freaking out on people.  I know these things happen but I firmly feel that they should proactively do something about it so my condition doesn't worsen.

-Another day in Paradise... Jaime

back to hospital

Oct 31, 2008

they are admitting me today for severe dehydration.  the first couple weeks was fine but i just cannot keep fluids down anymore.  I have also only eaten 2 ounces in the last 3 days.

things better get better soon.


marginal ulcer and severe esophigitis

Oct 30, 2008

at least i know why i am miserable.

I have to get an EGS, some sort of scope to check me out

Oct 29, 2008

I called Melinda, the program coordinator for Peoria Surgical Group, Monday morning and explained to her that I could not drink more than about 10-15 oz daily and couldn't eat but a few oz a day, and that my incision was leaking in 4 places not just the one.  Melinda told me to come in first thing Tuesday.

The doctor removed the rest of the staples and said he wanted to scope me to make sure nothing is wrong.  He said my stomach is 4-6 oz and I should be able to drink just fine.  He is going to check and make sure the top of my stomach (the thing that lets food in) is OK and not swollen shut or something.  Anyway that is tomorrow morning at 7am.  They say I will be asleep for about 15 min. then 45 min. to an hour in recovery.

I hope they find something and fix it while they are in there.  I hate to think this is going to be my life.  I am so thirsty all the time the last 2 days.  My mouth is frothy and my tongue is caked.  I just cannot keep enough liquid down.  Taking little sips all the time doesn't do it either because even those feel like I am forcing them down.

I have lost quite a bit of weight but in a scary way.  I lost 22 lbs from Friday to Tuesday.  That is because I am literally starving myself and not drinking, this is NOT how I wanted to lose weight it is entirely too unhealthy.

I will blog more when I can.

