lesslis 2. 20 years ago

James, I'm one those lurkers who posts only when I feel strongly about something. I oh so understand the emotions your struggling with. Reading the boards and prayer were the only thing that got me thru. Had my surgery 2-26-04 and life gets better everyday!!!!! PLEASE keep this in mind and focus on the end result. Your in my daily prayers for a speedy and amazing recovery.

amy_west 20 years, 1 month ago

James, It's almost your day!!! Hurley has some wonderful people, especially on the Burn Unit where they put you right after surgery. They will take good care of you. Hugs, Amy

Sandy 20 years, 1 month ago

Hello my friend, James. I cant believe that in just a few short days you will join us on the losing side. You are truly a great human being, caring, compassionate, and unconditionally loving. What a blessing you have been to this board. I will be there for you on thursday, along with your wife and family and many others that love and adore you. I know that your surgery will go perfect, you are a true angel and godsend. I wish you many fantastic things in life. Thank you for being you. Luv Ya ~ Sandy

HelpMeRhonda !! 20 years, 1 month ago

Many prayers and blessings for a safe and uneventful journey. 7/10/02 OPEN RNY

Erin E. 20 years, 1 month ago

James, My prayers are with you. I just had my surgery May 3rd and all went well. Don't worry, It is completely normal to have so many waves of different emotions. I too also cried several times before surgery. I am here to say it was the best choise for me. I am enjoying being a looser. I am originally from Caro MI, not far from Saginaw. I know what you mean when you say MI people are the best. One of my best friends that lives next to Ann Arbor is planning on having surgery June 10th. Her name is Nancy Snider. Say a prayer and have faith that God will pull throught surgery with flying colors. Take Care

MimiRN 20 years, 1 month ago

Well, I figured it was about time I posted to your surgery page...seeing as how I am your angel! It won't be long now huh? You must be getting nervous and excited. I will see you on the 24th! And then again on the 27th!

Karen N. 20 years, 1 month ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation pre-op and throughout the next exciting year! You'll do great with this life-saving tool*

snugg7777 20 years, 1 month ago

I'm so happy for you. I'll be there with bells on. If you ever need anything other than my clothes...lol just call me. Love ya brother. Holly

Cathy S. 20 years, 1 month ago

I wish you all the best James and will keep you in my prayers for a healthy and speedy recovery!! Cathy (fellow Owossian) :)

vanessam 20 years, 1 month ago

James, You go! I can't wait for your date for you. 5/27 only 25 days to go. You are going to go in cracking jokes and come out cracking jokes. You have such an infectious personality and can't get me to laugh just about anytime I need it. Here's to your quick recovery! ~VAN
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2004
Member Since
