My first office pot luck lunch

Nov 21, 2014

i am finally on the next stage of my eating plan which is mush.  Only a few more days until I get to eat regular food. This past week I have been experimenting with some new foods like loan turkey lunch meat with homemade hummus. It is nice to have eggs that resemble eggs and not mush. So fare have been able to tolerate most of what I am eating. Now onto today. We had a huge pot luck at the office. I brought in some mushroom bites. I got the recipie from the according to eggface site. They came out great and I was able to get two of them for lunch. I used a desert plate and also took a piece of sliced turkey and some guacamole. I ate the two minio bites and started to eat the turkey and after two very small bites of the turkey I was full. I was very scared of being tempted with all the other food but am very appy as I stuck to my plan and did not give in to temptation. This is my new life and I am strong. Now I have to prepare for the Christmas banwuet and feel that I will stay strong and stick to my eating plan. I can say that my sense of smell is heightened as I could smell every item of food and desert that was being served. As of today I am down to 248. Since I started back on food and not three shakes a day my weight has slowed down a bit but I am still loosing weight. I was originally loosing about a pound a day and now I am loosing weight in tents of a pound. 


Almost at the next phase

Nov 11, 2014

i have been on th puréed diet for a few weeks now and this Saturday I move to mechanically processed food. I have been experimenting over the past few weeks making dishes like slow cooker chili, chicken salad (my favorite) onions, Purdue Italian flavored chicken strips and light mayo. I made some split pea soup from scratch and tasted great puréed. I have been also trying different soups. Progreso gluten free soups like cream of mushroom, hearty vegetable. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with salsa and low fat cheese. One issue I am running into is the amount of leftovers I am accumulating. In the past I used to eat what I made. Sometimes way too much but never had leftovers. For the past few weeks I have containers of each soup and am freezing some of it. I still have a problem cooking small quantities. I will learn. Last night I had some soup and then decided to try some tuna. I definitely of did it as I started eating the tuna and after a few bites I was feeling full. I took another bite and started getting heartburn followed by some burping which I could not complete. I saw my Nut today and discussed my current diet and also what I can start eating once I get to the mechanically processed phase. I have Ben tracking my weight through a wifi scale by Withings. I weigh myself each morning and am able to look at trends and see th weight loss over w timeframe. Soon enough I will be on the ral food phase and am looking forward to it but also worried. 



Nov 01, 2014

Today I transition to the puréed stage. Started the day off with a protein shake. I went food shopping for the first time in a while. Walked out spending less than I ever spent at the grocery store. Picked up some soups, cheese and eggs. For lunch I had my first taste of real food. I scrambled some eggs and added a little cheese. Then into the nutribullet it went along with some salsa. Once combined and puréed it netted about 4 oz of food. The first bite was heaven. I started slowly eating the concoction and about half way through my 4 oz I started getting a little pressure in my chest. I listened and stopped eating. About two hours later I was able to finish the eggs. I also had an afternoon shake. I used unsweetened almond/coconut milk and two scoops of the Chike coffee Shake.  I am excited to be progressing through the stages with no tolerance issues. Once thing I can say is that I used to love V8 juice. I had a cup of the reduced salt juice and it tasted sooooo sweet. I am finding that after the surgery, my sense of sweet drinks has been enhanced. Two weeks of puréed and then I graduate to mechanically processed for a few weeks as tolerated. 


Day 14

Oct 28, 2014

Tommorow will be my 14th day since surgery. I have to say that I am healing well. All pain experienced in the first few days is gone. I am on the full liquid diet right now and having the Unjury Chcken Soup for breakfast. Today I had the Chike coffee shake. For lunch I am drinking my Premier Protein shake. Dinner I have been drinking the Unjury a chicken soup shake. I found that post surgery, I am not able to handle the real sweet shakes like the Bannana one from Chike and some of the OhYeah shakes. I am averaging about 500 to 600 calories a day and maximizing my fluid intake. I am not having any problems meeting my protein requirements. On November 1st I will transition to the puréed stage and am looking forward to some regular food my first one will be eggs. That was a big staple before surgery. I plan to make some soup so include chili. In the mornings I have been experiencing some very minor hunger pains. After drinking my shake, they go away and I don't experience them during the day. Wounds are healing well. Since surgery I have lost 16 lbs. when I started I was 306 and went into surgery at 280. Dur to all the fluids I weight I at 284.  Today I weigh 268. I am glad I had this procedure done and look forward tomy new life. 

While recovering my dad made me homemade split pea soup and when I eat it I mix it with a scoop of the unflovored protein. Mmmmmmmmm

i also have some home made chicken broth, it beats any store bought broth.

i will update my blog in a few days once I am on puréed foods.


Status update and experience

Oct 20, 2014

I had my surgery on the 15th of October. After getting out of recovery and settled in my room, the nurses wanted me up and walking. On the first try I made it just out of the door and passed out. Second try I made it down the hall and passed out. The third try that night I made it to the door of my room. I have been told that walking helps in getting the gas out of your system. Well with my inability to walk, that evening was sleepless. I ended up having extreme pain in both of my shoulders. Felt like a muscle cramp with a pinched nerve. Pain meds helped but I still did not get a lot of sleep. The next morning my blog glucose came back at 185. Turns out they wer giving m IV fluids its dextrose. Once this was stopped my blood sugar returnd to normalwas a bit better and I was able to walk without passing out. After a few laps up and down the halls I felt a bit better. Did not have to take any pain meds most of the day. Dr came in to visit that morning and said that I will need to get some water into my system. Around six I was visited by th PA and they started processing my discharge. I feel this was a great idea as I will be in my own bed. One I arrived home I had some lower right abdomen pain. This is the area where, they removed my stomach and he to go through the muscle. This pain kept me up all night and found that sleeping in a recliner helped. As I am typing this I am less than a week post and am feint great. Hi have not taken any pain meds for a few days now. Eating has been fine except for some pain when swallowing as I had a hiatal hernia fixed. Currently in the full liquid diet and making my protein and water amounts.


Surgery Day

Oct 16, 2014

I had my VSG surgery on Wednesday. Everything went real well with no complications. I tried walking when I got back to my room but was experiencing some dizzy spells. On one walk, I made it half way don the hall and became very lightheaded and all I remember is that they put me in a desk chair and gave me some smelling salts. The nurses attribute this to the anesthesia in my system. That evening was a challenge as I had a lot of gas in my system and not being able to walk, I was not getting it out of my system. I hade sever shoulder pain like a muscle spasm. This kept me up most of the night. The pain meds gore through the evening. The next day I was able to start walking and felt much better.


Day before surgery

Oct 13, 2014

i am on day 6 of my pre op liquid diet. When I startd this last week I was very hungry between meals. Living on protein shakes 

was keeping me around 600 calories or day. The goal of this diet is go put by body into Ketosis. Typically this happens within a few days. Mine took 4 

dkays to kick in. Once it happened, may hunger pains went  totally away. For lunch I hiave been eating a Ketogenix bar which helps in giving me something solid ion my diet. When eating the bar, I took very smal bites so that it lasts a while. 

I am am excitied and a 

bit anxious for the surgery tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 5:15 for a 7:15 am surgery.

next update will be when I am on the losers bench.


Preop Diet

Oct 10, 2014

I am scheduled to have my surgery on Wednesday October 15th. On Wednesday the 8th I started my pre op all liquid diet. The night before I have to admit I had a food funeral. I bought 2 avocado salmon and cream cheese sushi rolls. I finished the night off with a serving of gluten free brown rice pasta The next morning I started the diet. For day 1 I had a Chike strawberry shake. For lunch I had a ketogenix bar. And injury chicken soup .This is the ony solid food I can have during this diet. I averaged about 600 calories with 91 grams of protein. Drank enough water where my eyeballs were floating. Today is day three and am waiting to go into Ketosis. Having some hunger pangs but not major. I weight in at 300 lbs when I started this journey and as of today I weigh 283. Excited for the surgery and ready to start my new life to a healthier and lighter me. 


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Jan 27, 2013
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