weekly update

Jan 21, 2008

Starting Weight: 255
RNY Surgery date: 255 on 7/30/07
Today's Weight: 172.0

Total Loss: 83 pounds
To goal: have 27 more pounds to go.

We had a fun filled week at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Scott and I went with another couple and made a whole day out of it. We had a few drinks, ate some good (but bad) foods. We really enjoyed our day out with the kids home with a sitter. Although It did contribute to half to one pound weight gain this week. It was worth a special treat!!!

5 months and a week post op

Jan 06, 2008


Highest 255
DOS 255
Today 177
Lost this week  didn't add it 
Total Loss so far  -78 pounds; 32 more to go to reach my 145 Goal Weight.  Dang why do I have to be so SHORT!?!?

At the rate I've been loosing it could take another 5-6 months to loose the last 32 pounds.  I sure hope the scales begin to move a little faster, than they have the past 2 months.

I am fitting into size 12 jeans still and I have a size 10 I wear occasionally, but honestly they aren't too comfy.  That will be a milestone when they do fit better!!! My muffin top is pretty yucky in the 10's.

I have my 6 month follow up Jan 31st.  We'll see what he has to say about it all.

Measurements 4 months post op

Dec 03, 2007

Here are my current measurements and Losses to the right. 

6.5 inches left wrist                    lost 1 inch  
14.5 inches neck                        lost 2 inches 
15.5 inches right calf                  lost 2.5 inches    
22 inches right upper thigh         lost 5 inches 
43 inches around hips                 didn't measure before 
36 inches around waist (smallest part)   didn't measure before 
39 inches around belly (at belly button)   lost 14 inches
44 inch at bust                            lost 19 inches
12.5 inch around upper arm (bicep)  lost 3 inches

Oh wow, that's 45 inches total!!!  Still wearing Size 12 Levi's -  Probably will be a while before I can move down another size. 

One week post op measurements

7.5 inches left wrist
16.5 inches neck
18 inches right calf
27 inch right upper thigh
53 inches around belly (at belly button)
53 inch at bust
15.5 inch around upper arm (bicep)

Officially 4 months Post Op -

Nov 30, 2007

Well As of today I'm down 69.5 pounds with 40.5 pounds left until my goal of 140 pounds.  I weigh 185.5.

 just thinking out loud... if I can loose 10 pounds a month I will reach my goal weight by April 2008?!?!  Wow, If I loose 15 pounds a month I will reach my goal weight by March 2008.  I think I can actually do that.  I'm still averaging 3-5 pounds a week.  So maybe even sooner If I work harder and really push it.  Although, I'm waiting for my weight loss to slow down a bit, it could take me longer than projected.  We'll see...  Thanks for reading!

It's pretty sad I have to get down to 169 pounds before I'm out of the OBESE Category and into the overweight category. Something is wrong with that picture!!?!?!?!  I'm 5 ft 3 inches.   ** I have to weigh 140 to be in the normal category and out of the overweight category..

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Almost 4 months post op

Nov 26, 2007

Wow, it seems like a year or longer since my surgery.   On the 30th of November, it'll be 4 months.  I'm feeling really great and Soooooo SSSSoooooooo thankful I had my surgery!!  I would highly recommend it to most anyone!  I was so shocked I was looking around Academy with my husband and decided to try on a pair of jeans.  Wow, I tried the size 14 and realized I needed a 12.  So a size 12 Levi's 505 were perfect.  I can't EVER remember being less than a 14.  What an awesome feeling!!!  I'm down 66.5 and 43.5 to go.  I weighed this afternoon 188.5.  So we'll see what the next few weeks/month brings with Christmas just around the corner!!! What a way to bring in the new year!!

12 weeks post - op

Oct 26, 2007

Well actually today is 12 weeks 4 days since my RNY and I'm down 56.5 pounds.  Today I weigh 198.5!

2.5 months post op

Oct 16, 2007

Well I'm getting closer to Onderland.  Well so close, I can almost taste it!!!  I'm down 55.5 pounds, ONLY 57.5 to go.... So today I weighed in at 202.5.  I've been see-sawing the last couple of days, but I'm sure I'll eventually get  to ONDERLAND!!!  BMI is now 35.9.

I need to take measurments, but can't seem to find my original tape measure.  Excuses, excuses, right?  :)

Two Months post op

Oct 05, 2007

Wow, it seems like forever ago since my surgery.  I'm feeling great!  I'm down 48 pounds.  Only 6.5 pounds to go before I get to ONDERLAND!!!  I haven't been 200 pounds in I can't tell you how long.  Probably since High School.  Well once in college I was around 190.  That was back in 1997-1998.  So TEN YEARS AGO!!

I'm enjoying being with my kids.  I can't believe they are about to have a Birthday!!  Next month my son will be THREE and my baby girl will be ONE!!!

I've had a terrible week.  We had a double tragedy in our family.  Scott's Aunt and Uncle went on a vacation and were being shuttled from the Cancun airport to their resport.  They were involved in a van accident and were killed!!!  Just devastaing news to all!!  Please keep us in your prayers!

One month Post-Op

Aug 28, 2007

Well overall I'm doing really well.  I feel just like my old self.  Thank goodness I haven't gone into a depression.  Don't get me wrong, some days I do feel "blah", but it doesn't last over a few hours.

I go for my official weigh in at 6 weeks with my doctor, but here's what i've kept up with so far.

Inches lost in one month:

.25 inches left wrist             so that's .5 for both
.5 inches neck
.5 inches right calf               so that's 1 for both calves
.75 inch right upper thigh     so that's 1.5
2.5 inches around belly (at belly button)
4 inch at bust
.5 inch around upper arm (bicep)  so that's 1 for both arms

Actual measurements:

7.25 inches left wrist
16 inches neck
17.5 inches right calf
26.25 inch right upper thigh
50.5 inches around belly (at belly button)
49 inch at bust
15 inch around upper arm (bicep)

Total of 11 inches lost!!!!

I'm down 27.5 pounds!!  Yeah!  I actually thought it would be more at one month.  But honestly I've been eating everything, only in moderation though.  I'm sure If I had made better decisions and stuck to Sugar Free/Fat Free, I'd be down even more.  But I'm happy at my progress.... slowly but surely.

Hoping to start working out at the gym soon...  it's just hard making time with 2 little ones!!



one day post op 8:56pm

Jul 31, 2007

This is a little ironic. I felt sooo good at the hospital, i walked ,I had very little pain. Now is another story. I feel indigestion and quite a bit more pain in my middle section. It's a little more tender when I get up and out of bed or get up out of a chair. When i sip on broth or jello, it makes me want to vomit. I have the hiccups alot. So maybe I have some gas and in a few days some of the pressure/pain in my tummy will go away.

 Just the smell of any food, makes my stomach churn.




Back tracking - 

measurements -  one week post op

7.5 inches left wrist
16.5 inches neck
18 inches right calf
27 inch right upper thigh
53 inches around belly (at belly button)
53 inch at bust
15.5 inch around upper arm (bicep)

About Me
Alvarado, TX
Surgery Date
May 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 24
One Year and 2 days since my surgery!!!
July 16, 2008 2 weeks from my one year anniversary AND........
The scale finally moved - April 23, 2008
8.5 months post op measurments
7.5 months post op
6.5 month post-op measurments
No Longer OBESE, only OVERWEIGHT now!!!
feb 10th, 2008 Weekly weigh in
6 month post-op and Dr's follow up
