one day post op - 2:25pm

Jul 31, 2007

Thanks everyone for my warm welcome home!!  I've been sipping away at crystal light and chicken broth.  I was wondering if it's too early to feel full.  I'm just sipping liquids and eating jello.  I don't get that FULL feeling, so I just stop when I don't feel like I'm hungry anymore. So here's my somewhat schedule:  Nap about 30 minutes, get up walk around inside the house, get a drink to sip and I sip on Chicken broth, play on the computer about 15 minutes then it's time to start the process over again with Nap 30 minutes, walk, sip/eat, computer......

Is there something else I should be doing or should I be doing things differently?  Im beginning to feel a little more pain overal in my tummy, not necessarily at the incision sites.  I'm sure that's suppose to happen, though.  I knew and know the pain will be worse some days than others.

Thanks for your support.

One day post-op !! 7/31

Jul 31, 2007

I'm so excited to be back HOME!!  I was just the happiest camper when I woke up in the recovery room.  I knew things would be just fine with all the praying I've been doing and all the well wishes and prayers from everyone else.  I'm doing unbelievable well.  I have very little pain and I am holding down all my liquids. 

For my documentation: 

Weight morning of surgery at home:  254   approx 115 lbs remaining to  loose.

Weight afternoon of surgery at home:  256

Taking pain meds when needed.  Typically will be twice a day.

Thank you Lord for giving Dr Kuhn the wisdom and confidence to complete my surgery with no complications thus far!!!

1 week from tommorrow is the BIG DAY

Jul 22, 2007

I have my nephew here for a visit and we are going to stay busy this week.  I know we will have a wonderful time.  My mom is here from Mississippi and will be here until 2 weeks post op to help out with this kids.

 The days are down to being only single digits away. WOW -  My husband and I had a night out last night and it seemed to really help us get back in touch.  He assured me that he would make sure our 2 little kids (Wyatt 2 and a half years old and Lacy -8 months old) would be well taken care of.  I know he will take care of them, but it sure helped to hear him say it. 

 I'm getting pretty anxious to just get out of recovery complication free and to make it home.  Then of course I'm sure I'll just be ready for the first 2 weeks to pass.... more and more I have lots of goals in the near and far future.  I have so much to live for and I just can't wait to meet all my goals!!

Thanks for reading,


Tomorrow is my all day pre-op testing

Jul 16, 2007

I am not so much looking forward to tomorrow (July 17th).  I will have NUT and PSYCH class from 9a-11am, then the upper GI at 11:00.  Then at 1:00pm I have my leg sonogram to check for blood clots.  Then off to the hospital for pre registration that will include blood work, EKG and I'm not really sure what else.

That's about it for now.  Just counting the days..... I am full of emotion, just ready to get home and be all recovered!! 

About Me
Alvarado, TX
Surgery Date
May 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 24
One Year and 2 days since my surgery!!!
July 16, 2008 2 weeks from my one year anniversary AND........
The scale finally moved - April 23, 2008
8.5 months post op measurments
7.5 months post op
6.5 month post-op measurments
No Longer OBESE, only OVERWEIGHT now!!!
feb 10th, 2008 Weekly weigh in
6 month post-op and Dr's follow up
