Feeling GREAT!

Dec 08, 2007

So I haven't posted anything on here in ages so I figured I should get with it.  I'm around 4 months out now and down to 248lbs.  When I came out of surgery I weighed around 309lbs.  I'm thrilled!!!

I had a very hard time after surgery.  I hate going to the ER and you literally would have to drag me knocked out there but I knew I was sick.  I guess the nursing school thing is paying off.  I went in to the ER but not before I was dehydrated and low on potassium.  I couldn't get in the liquids I needed at all.  I was lucky to get 20oz. a day and I was so sick of dry heaving that I couldn't take it anymore.  The first visit they gave me 2 1/2 bags of fluids and a bag of potassium.  Just a note: Do not let the ER nurse give you the potassium full strength!! It burns incredibly!  I thought I was a bad ass and wanted to get done soon to clear the bed for someone who I thought was really sick.  Bad mistake! Make them dilute it! OUCH! I learned the hard way and I'll never forget it!  Good for my patients!

I guess I spent at least one day a week for about 4-6 weeks at the ER getting fluids.  I then went to physical therapy to help build my body back up.  Everyday I just told myself  "today is a little bit better than yesterday".  I kept with it and kept going.  WTH other choice did I have? LOL

So here I am.  Feeling great and happy I went through with the surgery.  I hate my stomach and extra skin but thats down the road and will be taken care of later.  

I take vitamins everyday.  Lots of vitamins.  I even have a week pill box thing!
Magneisium three times a day
mulitivitamin twice a day
calcium supp w/vit D

I feel good.  I did have to drop out of nursing school this semester which sucks more than anyone can even imagine, but I think the stress of trying to get back into clinicals two weeks after surgery was making me sick.  I can't wait to get back to school in January.


Sep 05, 2007



.hov:hover{background-color:yellow}LANDSLIDE (Dixie Chicks)

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The Gallbladder has to go!! August, 28th

Aug 28, 2007

So Heather called me today and said my surgery is a go for the 31st!!! YA!  She also said that I have gall stones?  I never knew?  WTHeck?  Dr. Fang will be taking it outta me during the surgery.  I wonder if he'll let me see it after he is all done!! I'm asking!!! 

Pre-op tests August 16th

Aug 20, 2007

All my tests went great as far as I know.  I haven't heard back from the doc's office.  I've had to give patients Barium before and now I really feel for them because it was way gross!!!! The x-ray tech told me that Dr. Fang likes to bring his patients in after the surgery and run the same test again with even a grosser solution to take down. Great! the barium almost came back up and I have take something worse?  EEEWWW !   Oh! I'll do it, but I'm not going to have a happy, cheerfull look on my face!  I like that Dr. Fang double checks his work.  Thumbs up!

Pre-Op Class August 15th, 07

Aug 15, 2007

So I went to the Pre-Op class and I'm feeling better than ever about the decision that I've made.  I think that everything that I learned today is totally doable!  I'm super happy! In just a few days I am going to my pre-surg testing.  Yaaa!

August, 2nd 2007

Aug 01, 2007

Ok!  I'm going crazy!  Really! I can hardly sit still!  It's like I'm waiting, with thoughts running through my head and if I don't stop I might run smack into a wall!  I don't get the anxiety thats buiding up! It could be that I have a dentist appointment in the morning.  Oh! hell! I forgot to take my vitamins!  Guess I'll do that before I take off to bed at 3:15 in the morning!  I have to be up at 7am.  Whats wrong with me?  ANXIETY!ANXIETY!ANXIETY! 

July 27th 07

Jul 27, 2007

I don't know what it is about Dr. Fang's staff.  They really irk me!  I mean what is the deal!  I'm sure he's paying them well.  When I went in for my first appointment everyone was really nice.  Now whenever I call it's like they have some sort of attitude.  The one where, your not standing right infront of me so I don't have to pretend to even like you, so I can be as bitchy and as short with you as I feel like.  I don't even know what to say or do about it.  I just want to get this over with now without anymore set backs by them.  It's taken so long to get here I don't even want to make waves.  I'm going to go and scream in my pillow now!

July, 16 2007

Jul 16, 2007

I called Heather today and she gave me a date!!! August 31, 07!! YAAAA!  Bright and early at 5:30 in the morning!  I love seeing the surgeon first thing in the morning!  She said I should be getting a packet in the mail in a day or two that helps to explain everything and that I will have a few more tests ran, a special class to attend, and one more meeting with Dr. Fang!  I just can't wait!  

Everything should work out perfect and fall right into line with my college nursing program!

My life so far

Jul 15, 2007

I am an all around happy go lucky person, well usually. lol  I have a GREAT!!! Family that I love dearly.  I've been married for over nine years to a pretty cool guy that most always lets me have my way.  We have two beautiful babies, Derek & Cheyenne.  We just recently moved back to AZ, mostly for the weather and for my husband’s health.  I just recently started looking back into the surgery because all of the weight I had lost having gestational diabetes has come back on with at least 50 lbs more.  My doctor agrees that I really should have the surgery.  WOW shocker for me!  When I went and saw him I really expected to be put on another diet.  Nope not another diet, he said.  I take it off and it comes back with more. So here we go!  I'm afraid that my insurance company may deny me so I'm not getting my hopes up to soon.  Really I am getting my hopes up!  


Brightest Blessings!!


May 21, 2006

Well I've put this off for a year now.  I really thought I could just do this by myself.  I have honestly tried so hard with such little results.  Well I am at 283 now.  Which I am happy to be at, don't get me wrong, but I've come to realize that if I stop or slow down at all I can easily gain 10 pounds back in a little over a week. I am also very close to being accepted for the RN program, but I might have to put it off for a few months in order to go through with the surgery.  I have made up my mind that in order to have the job I’ve always dreamed of I cannot be the way I am right now.  

I set up the appointments for the psych. and for the seminar.  My doctor sent me the referral letter last year in April (2005).  I even saved the letter.  I had to go back and ask him for a new letter because he has since changed offices/towns.  He was happy to see that I had changed my mind.  He is a wonderful doctor, and has a loving heart.  I see the psychiatrist in the morning and the seminar is in about three weeks.  Just to let anyone know my insurance did deny me. (BC/BS of AZ).  I now am going to go another route.

June 22, 2006

I have my first appointment with Dr. fang on July 3rd 06, and my seminar is on the 10th of August.  I have to try my best to plan this around my college courses to stay on track with my RN.  I’ll try and update often!!

June 29, 2006

I received a call today from Dr. Fang's office.  The receptionist called to let me know that my appointment was somehow made by mistake because the office was not open on July 3rd.  So I rescheduled for August 10th.  I probably could’ve gotten an appointment sooner but with my summer anatomy class I just skipped the month.  I also found out that it could take quite along time getting my psychological evaluation, possibly until October.  I have to find another psych.

August 10, 2006

I went to see Dr. Fang today and I also got the seminar out of the way. (ALL IN ONE DAY)!! So happy!  The seminar was informative.  I actually feel better about the choices I am making. Dr. Fang was supper cool!  He has a really nice deep voice.  Very staight forward, and informative.  I have to say that I was really pleased with the office visit.  I have heard horror stories from other people on line.  Stuff like "the line for the doctor was completly out the door", " I had to set on the floor while waiting for my appt.".  It made me think it was going to be more like a sale barn than a doctors office. I made sure to make my appointment later in the day so that I would hopefully not be going through something like that.  I was really happy to find that there were very few patients in the waiting room, and the atmosphere was really comfortable.  The staff was awesome!  They have it together there for sure!

August 15th, 2006  


I went for all of my seminars today.  Lucky me! they combined all the seminars together in one day for outtatowners like me.  I met some really nice people also.  I even met this really weird guy that had some issues.  There was this cute old country boy there in overalls.  He was super funny!  So many nice people in one place.  I think everyone should be like us. haha

I'm waiting on paperwork and I still need my psychological evaluation so I'm going to work on that today.  Things are going well.

May 23, 2007

I have everything needed for my surgery to be approved!  Took quite awhile to get it all together.  I initially thought I had everything going well.  I should've stayed on top of the office help at my surgeon’s office.  She sent everything off to the insurance company knowing that it wouldn't be approved and then totally refuses to resubmit anything.  She was, however, nice enough to call and let me know that I was denied.  All in all I would say I am behind about three or four months because I didn't ride her butt.  My advice to everyone is to stay on those individuals.  I was way to easy going.  I never, ever thought that my paperwork would be sent off without, o' say my complete diet history!  I am now entirely going around the doctor’s office and working strictly with my insurance company. I have to say they have been awesome.  So now I'm waiting to hear back from them. 



JULY 11th 2007!!!!

I WAS APPROVED THIS MORNING! REALLY!!! NO JOKE!!! Jennifer at Dr. Fang's office is wonderful.  She resubmitted all of my paperwork and kept following up on everything.  I can't say how much she has helped me.  She really is an angel!!!

~~~The mightiest oak in the forest is just a little nut that held its ground.~~~~~

.hov:hover{background-color:yellow}LANDSLIDE (Dixie Chicks)

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About Me
Thatcher, AZ
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2002
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 9
Feeling GREAT!
The Gallbladder has to go!! August, 28th
Pre-op tests August 16th
Pre-Op Class August 15th, 07
August, 2nd 2007
July 27th 07
July, 16 2007
My life so far
