I have a DATE!!!!

Oct 01, 2009

I HAVE A DATE!!!  OCTOBER 28TH!!!   I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!  I didn't think that it would be this soon, but it is.  There just not many words to express how I feel right now! 

Getting Excited

Sep 22, 2009

My 30 pounds is almost off!  Yeah!  I'm hoping to set a date for sugery at my next appointment which is in one week! 

light at the end of the tunnel

Sep 09, 2009

I've done great today, and lost another 2 pounds in a week.  I just keeping walking toward the light!!!  I can do this!!!

stuck in a rut of my own making

Sep 03, 2009

I'm so disappointed in myself.  The past almost two weeks I havent' been doing very well on my pre-op diet.  I can't seem to put myself first!  My busy life is starting to take over again, and I don't know how to stop it!  I do okay in the mornings and during the day, but I don't want to cook when I get home so I've resorted to eating out.  Chicken strips, pizza, hamburgers, all my old comfort foods.  I feel horrible after eating them, and the day after as well.  I guess I just don't learn my lesson though!  I HAVE GOT TO GET IT TOGETHER AGAIN!!  I only have about 14 pounds to lose and I can set a date, but at this rate it will take forever.  On top of this I haven't been exercising or stretching like I should be.  I'm thoroughly frustrated, but not giving up!  Now that I've admitted what's been happening maybe I can get over it! 
1 comment


Aug 12, 2009

Wow!  I am impressed at my own progress!  It's been a lot of work, but it is definitely paying off.  I am in my third week of pre-op diet and excercise, and I have already dropped like 14 pounds.  I never thought I could lose weight this quickly.  So I have 16 more to go before I can set a date for surgery.  In other good news I've been able to help a friend and introduce her to the program!  I'm really proud of her because she went to workout with me the other day!  So not only am I changing I am helping other people improve their lives as well!  And that's what I love to do! 
Today I had a friend that told me that since I've started this I've been more positive all around, and I was already a pretty positive person.   It made me feel good, plus all the compliments from people about how proud they are of me for being so dedicated.  Things are progressing well!
1 comment

pre-op diet & exercise

Jul 30, 2009

So I've been on my pre-op diet for a full 3 days now.  It's getting a little bit easier, and suprisingly I get full at my meals.  Tonight though I think I may have had a little more than 5 oz of protien/meat.  I've been getting all my stretching done, but I'm still slacking on getting the cardio done.  Got to step it up tomorrow! 

Clothes and Food

Jul 24, 2009

My friend and I are having a garage sale next weekend, and I spent most of the day today going through clothes.  Normally what would happen is that all my clothes that are too little would go in the pile for the sale!  But today it was different.  I put the clothes that are still stylish, but too small in a box so that while i'm losing this weight I won't have to buy that much until I get closer to my goal.  I was proud of myself!

I'm also working on eating at the table and taking my time.  It is actually really hard.  I've always been known as the slow eater in my family, but now I have to eat even slower.  Not fun!  But I'm working at it!


pathway. . .

Jul 21, 2009

So today was my first visit, and I found out everything that I have to do before surgery.  It's not too bad, but I do have to lose 30lbs.  This will be a tough road ahead, but so very very worth it!  Also have to have a sleep test.  I'm not excited about that b/c I have issues sleeping anywhere but my own bed.  BUT . . . "I am worth it!"

About Me
Norman, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2009
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 8
