62 lbs and counting!

Nov 23, 2008

I thought I was never going to get off of the 60lb mark, but then after two weeks of sitting still, the scale finally moved!   I am elated!  I was really hoping to be down 75 by Christmas, but I don't think it will happen. Maybe by my 6 month visit to the doctor in January!  That would be awesome!  That would make me very happy! 

58lbs Gone Forever!

Nov 03, 2008

It never ceases to amaze me when the scales fall and more pounds are gone!!  I can go for a week or so at one weight and then all of a sudden 2-3 pounds are gone the next day!!  I am still jumping up and down!!! 

Double Nickels!!!

Oct 28, 2008

Oh, I was excited when I stepped on the scales and hit 220!! I said, Whoa! Double Nickels!  Only 21lbs to go before ONDERLAND!!! Yippy! 

Update on 3 month visit!!

Oct 14, 2008

Well, what a surprise!!! The doctor says I've lost 53, not 51!!!  WoooHOoo! That made me feel even better and I was already bouncing off the walls!  He says I am right on target for 3 months!  I feel great!  I didn't see Dr. Barker today, but I did see Dr. Thompson!  He is very patient and is soooo easy to talk to.  I really enjoyed the visit and I feel like he is a friend. I told him I had a new found attitude and was becoming sassy too!    I am a Busy Busy Bee! 

3 months out and living it!

Oct 14, 2008

Hey Everyone!! 3 months out today and down 51lbs!! Woo Hoo!!  I go see my surgeon today, so I am getting ready to head over there now!  I weighed this morning at 224 and I am wearing a size 18!  I will post a new picture soon!  I can't wait to see where another 3 months will take me! 

WoooHoooo! Down 47lbs!!

Sep 28, 2008

I am inching closer to the 50lb mark!  11 weeks tomorrow and I feel wonderful!  It is hard to believe that I have actually lost this much when I could never do it on my own!  I am still on some insulin, but only my bedtime shot of Lantus. I also take Metformin twice a day.  Eating mainly no carb meals, you would think my blood sugar levels would remain the same, but I do have sudden highs for no reason.  The past two mornings, my finger stick readings have been in the 80's!!  Shocking for me!  Maybe it's a sign that I am beginning to need less insulin....I hope so!  

Started walking.....finally!

Sep 05, 2008

Yeah, me!!  I finally did it and went for a long walk. My husband has been trying to get me to go, so tonight I said....Okay, let's go!  We headed out and walked for 40 minutes.  I went a way through the neighborhood that I couldn't turn around and go back. I will clock it tomorrow, but It was at least 2 miles.  I used to walk five miles and that was part of my route.  With the weather starting to get cooler, I am more excited about going now.  Maybe that will get my weight loss going again. I seem to have stopped for the past week, but I know it is only temporary.  

I know, I know....I am waiting too long to post!!

Sep 05, 2008

I have been so busy that I just haven't had the time to post!  Okay, here I am!  I am 7 and a half weeks out and down 39lbs!!  I went last week for my one month check up at 6 weeks and I am doing great!   I still eat lots of protein and don't venture off too much onto anything else. I have tried a few things and they usually get stuck and want to come back up.  Especially meats!!  Blah!  I am still working on getting in all my protein. It just seems like all I do is eat and drink!  If I have a meal, I don't want to turn around and drink the protein a couple of hours later. I did get some of the Nectur in the Roadside Lemonade and I really like it, so I may order another flavor and try to drink more of that!  I really like the GNC's Pro Performance Banana Cream too! But that get old drinking banana shakes all the time too.  I am loving my new life and looking forward to the next day!!
I am almost off of all my diabetic medication. I am still on the Metformin and one shot at bedtime, but I think 20 more lbs and I will be off all of it. Maybe not, but that's my goal. 

Staples out and on soft foods!

Jul 24, 2008

 I saw Dr. Barker on Tuesday after Earline removed my staples!  I am doing great!  He even added soft foods to my menu!  I was down 19lbs since beginning this journey, but as of today, I am down 22lbs!  This is so awesome and I am just about off of the insulin! One shot at bedtime and Metformin was all I took yesterday. My Endro will be in shock when I see him the end of August!  I can't wait!  He doesn't know I had the RNY......yet!  I didn't want any negative opinions from anyone, so I didn't tell him. I got enough of those as it was!  I feel fantastic and loving every moment of this. I put it in God's hands and he handled the whole thing for me!  No pain, no problems! Yeah!

4 Days out and doing fine!

Jul 18, 2008

 No laying around in the bed for me!  No way!  I have walked around the house, played on my computer, watched some movies, talked on the phone and did small things here and there. I feel no pain! I have consumed my liquids without any problems at all. No nausea or vomiting have I experienced!  People keep asking me....Are you sure you had RNY surgery??  I say....Yep...I have the staples to prove it!  They are just unsure do to how well I am and able to get up and down without any pain. They try to help me, protect me and sometimes baby me. The only protection I need is when the grandchildren forget that Nanna just had surgery and they come running full speed towards my stomach!  Then I put up my hands to guard them off. I don't have any pain and I don't want any either!  LOL!

About Me
Garland, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 27
5 months out and 70lbs gone!!
