katetme posted a comment 6 years, 7 months ago
6 weeks out and I am so grateful to be able to write this. I am feeling...

katetme wrote Plastic fantastics 6 years, 9 months ago

I’m lying awake at 2 am, one week post TT and BL. I didn’t ever think I would be able to take this final step in my recovery. Since selling our house in 09, we have had a horrible run in our financ...

katetme posted a discussion topic 9 years ago


I had WLS in 2008, lost 100and felt wonderful. Last year I embarked on a quest to climb the 48 4000-foot mtn in NH. I am finding it very hard to eat enough and hydrate enough and recovery takes 4 days. All the recharge, recovery supplements

katetme posted a discussion topic 11 years, 3 months ago
5 Year Surgiversary!!! - Hi everyone, The founder of OH sent me a Happy Surgerversary for 5 years out. He mentioned and I agreed that people need to hear from those of us who are 3,4,5 years out. ...
About Me
Center Lovell, ME
Surgery Date
Oct 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 57

Latest Blog 68
Ok, no whining
of course
Oh yeah
slogging away!
