Penny S. 17 years, 5 months ago

I am sooo proud of you Kelly. You are doing soooo awesome and wish only the bestest for you girlfriend. Keep up your good positive mindset/attitude and you will be sooo happy. Congrats to the new healthy YOU. I have an awesome Surgery Sister by my side that makes everything worth doing.... Thanks for being you Kelly... You are truely an angel girl.... ((((Hugs))))) Penny

christmasnow 17 years, 5 months ago

Keep up the good work Kelly! You are doing so well! You will be at goal before you know it. Blessings and Best Wishes

Connie D. 17 years, 5 months ago

Kelly, your have finally made it!!! I am glad to hear that your surgery went well. Have a speedy recovery as well. You had an awesome ANGEL!! She kept us updated and that was nice. connie d

Amy B. 17 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to the loser's bench miss Kelly! Your angel is doing a great job keeping us updated so it sounds like you are doing well. I will be praying that you continue to do well and have long term success. Take it easy and congratulations on making one of the best decisins to improve your health you possibly could make! Here is wishing you many, many, many wow moments!

Penny S. 17 years, 5 months ago

Hey Kelly Girl.... I am sooo thrilled that your surgery and so far on your recovery went soooo very well. I am very proud of you for what you have done. You will do great with this new journey and so thrilled to have you to help me when I go in on June 25th. I know I had sad stuff to deal with during your time in the hospital but please know that it didn't take away from my excitement that I had and have for you. I really couldn't have found a better understand of a person than what I have found in you girlfriend. Even though there is an age difference, (because I am a bit on the immature side and you are very mature for your age) we get along GREAT. Thank you so much again for just BEING YOU!!! You are the best and can't wait to move along this journey with you and you by my side. Love you much girl. ((((Hugs))))) Penny

JIMSLAFFINGIRL 17 years, 5 months ago

Hey Kelly --- hoping that all is going very well. Keep up with the moving around, it helps everything else move along, so you can go home and move along well. I hope this phase is very uneventful, and maybe even a bit boring. May you use this quiet time to make plans for all the good times that are coming for you. I am sure they are making a place for you right now on the losers bench. It is a sunshiney day here, so when you would like some sunshine come on out, and enjoy all there is. You have taken a huge step on this journey. Till now lots of baby steps that were really important to doing this thing right, now you did the great thing of providing yourself a tool. The tool of success. It will be a tool of change, and of opportunities if you are ready for it. When salute you as you join the losers, and we sadly say good bye from our Pre-op side, hoping to see you again, when it is our turn to cross over. In july I will be there with wings of Joy! Be good to yourself. Listen to what you body is telling you. And you will do great,

Pinalope }i{ 17 years, 5 months ago

Hey Kelly! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Welcome to the losing side hehe. You take it easy and heal well, then we expect you to let us know how you're doing, what you're up to and how you feel! Hugsssss ~Linda~

lilianalm3 17 years, 5 months ago

Hey Kelly I am happy that you are doing well keep hanging in there. xoxoxoxo Liliana

Connie D. 17 years, 5 months ago

Kelly, so glad all went well for you. Soon you will be home and feeling great. Congratulations!! connie d

Penny S. 17 years, 5 months ago

I am sooo glad you did so well yesterday Kel. You pulled through with such flying colours I only hope I do the same thing. I will be there in just a bit to spend more time with ya girl. Be a good girl now and don't give those awesome nurses a bad time. Hey... Are you running that marathon yet?... LOL Love ya much girl. ((((Hugs)))) Pen
About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 44

Latest Blog 18
Things that are good....
Good day....
Monday, weigh in day!
I'm a 22.
What time is it? New pants time!
Just the regular kind of obese...
More stuff to get used to...
