5 Years Out! 05/19/08

May 19, 2008

Well, here it is five years out from my surgery and I'm still amazed at how much much my life has improved!  I started out at 374 lbs and my lowest weight after surgery was 172 a couple of years out.  Today I am 188.  Up 16 lbs from my lowest but I don't think that is bad at all.  Considering that I eat whatever I want (not saying I should but its a fact) and I have decided to try harder to adhear to healthier eating to see if I can get back down there if not even a little lower .  I haven't had any reconstructive surgery yet, that is my next venture.  I'm sure you have all hear/read it before. Surgery no matter what type you choose is a "magic" pill or cure.  But it sure makes it a heck of a lot easier to be given a tool to use in the battle of the bulge!  Good luck in which ever proceedure that you choose and make it work for you!  If you have any questions please feel free to leave me a message :)

Time flies!!!!!!!

Apr 22, 2008

Wow, its been a couple of years since I've logged in and checked my profile on here. Man have things changed!  I'm almost five years out from my DS and I'm doing great.  I have quite a different life than I had 5 years ago which I will elaborate more on the anniversary of my surgery

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
May 09, 2000
Member Since

Latest Blog 2
5 Years Out! 05/19/08
Time flies!!!!!!!
