
Jun 16, 2009

So my counselor finally called me to let me know if she was going to send the letter needed to make everything complete.  It was part of the condition on my psyc. eval.  I have seen her once because I had to switch because of my ins. changing.  No big deal, it just makes things take that little bit longer.  So anyway, when she called me back she let me know that she would prefer to see me at least 3 times before sending the letter because she doesn't really know me.  I can understand that, and that it may take longer because she has to feel confident that having surgery couldn't make me relapse.  I get that too.  It just frustrates me that everything is right here in front of me done and waiting except this one thing.  I am not a patient person, and I want to make sure I am healthy and ready for this but ARGH.  Soon enough I know, it just feels like it will never get here.

Nutrition class

Jun 12, 2009

There is a thing as too much information for me.  If the class had been all about nutrition and exercise I would have been great with it.  However, seeing some of the devices needed after surgery and learning about all of the meds they put you on right before surgery was a bit much for me. 

A good thing that came out of the class is that my mom and boyfrien will be joining me on at least the pre-op diet.  At least I won't be going it alone.  And my boyfrien said if he slips on the pre=op diet he will buy me a dress I want so a size 12 for when I get there.  It might not sound like a big thing but the dress is $120 and he makes about $60 a week.  Good motivation for him.  My mom wants to follow my diet after surgery too, that way there will always be food at her house I can eat.  My kids are goiing to get a wake up call right quick too since a lot of things we normally have in the house have gone missing and wont be replaced.  I guess the boyfriend is going to get a wake up call too, since he brings most of it home, not anymore.

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Jun 08, 2009

I went to my dr appointment today, everything went good endoscopy report came back with a discrepency.  In one section it said that I didn't have any signs of an ulcer, at the end it said I have one.  My PCP was supposed to have that clarified and send the right letter, guess not.  Also, my psych. eval said my counselor has to clear me as ready for surgery, I have to call and see if she will since my next appt. isn't untill the end of the month.  Now my surgery date is on hold.  Kinda frustrating, but at least I still get to have the nutrition class on Thursday.   Just seams like when I think I have everything in order it isn't.  Hopefully I can get it all straightened out by the end of the week.
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Hurry up and wait

Jun 06, 2009

Two weeks ago Dr. Smith's office called and set me up with my appointments and tentative surgery date.  I will know for sure on Monday.  Everything happens this week though, and then the last full week of June.  I am a little nervous because I don't like being in a hospital, but I am excited in starting this new chapter in my life.

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About Me
essexville, MI
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2008
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