6 months Post Op Update

Nov 26, 2009

          Hi to all my friends and family on Obesity Help online support group.  It has been a long time since posting, but I thought having just passed my 6 month post surgical date on Nov 19Th it was time to post my updates.

Everything about my surgery was not just about weight loss but mostly about my health.  I have lost close to 60 lbs. and am back in a size 12 which my not seem like alot to some but I was 20 lbs less in weight when I last fit this size. 

Feeling wonderful because I have been able to go off of 3 of the 6 asthma meds I was on when I started this journey. I had been told by my pulmonary Doc that is I did not do this I might not be around in 5 yrs. Now I have only just turned 55 yrs young. And want to be around to see my daughter someday marry and my grand kids grow up as well. 

My cholesterol is lower then it has ever been which really excites me. Triglycerides are soooo low totally exciting because I was concerned about getting Diabetes like many of my family members have. Not a chance.

I have been going to Dr. Machado's support group and one thru the WOW support group in Roseville which has helped me to meet some nice folks post op and pre op.

I have not finished, I have 40 lbs to loose (Doc wants 50lbs but I feel that is to low for me). I realize out surgical tool of GBypass helps but now it is going to take more work because I am getting close to my goal. 

I have just stalled and I know it is because I have not been drinking my protein like I should (losing lots of hair good thing I have lots).  So I am determined to step up my protein drinking up to at least 60 gms a day and signing up for a gym near by to work on some of my body tightening area.

I can not be happier after the first 3-4 tough months dealing with food eating issues.  I had alot of trouble eating in the mornings. My lovely husband makes sure I get my cottage cheese of an egg when I wake up. He has gone to two support groups and stopped eating sugar and white flour, lost 10 lbs dropped his waist down to a 34 inch pant again. He was pre diabetic and is not now.

How wonderful that he and I  (our little family ) can get so much out of my weight loss surgery. So all is well with me and my family.  I want to wish all of you out there a wonderful  Thanksgiving Dinner wither you can eat it or not.  I know I am sticking with turkey mostly.. Protein, protein, and more protein.

Blessing to all,


My 8 week appointment today!

Jul 22, 2009

So happy to finally get to the point where I am supposed to be healed.
Seems like such a little thing but to be able to swallow pills again will

make my life alot easier.  Good news is I have lost 30 lbs since surgery,

I had complications so I am now released to start exercising so hopefully

I will loose quicker.  The office says I am where I am suppose to be but it

is hard when my friends have lost 75 lbs at this time.  They told me I weighed

less to begin so I have less to loose.  I will accept that. 

I only have 65 more pounds to hit what I should be at and that is  5'2"  125 lbs.
They wanted me to weight  115 lbs.  I would have been too low at that weight.

Good news is my blood pressure is back to normal, (Big Deal ) and I had one of the
strongest asthma meds taken away forever. Pulmonary Doc so please with my progress.

Thanks to all my new friends and support for encouragement.  Keep it up I know it gets harder
when you get closer to your goal weight.

God bless all in the process of good health.

Went to my Doc today ! Lost more weight!

Jun 12, 2009

Hi everyone!    I went to see my doc cause one of my surgical sites looked too red and ugly.

I still don't really look at myself in the mirror after showering.  Just part of not liking what

I see for quite awhile.   My husband noticed and made me get in to have it checked out.

Everything is fine they stuck some odd little bit of silver nitrate on a needle tip to kill any lingering

Bactria. (has anyone ever heard of this?)

 But I lsure Love their scale!  I have lost another 15Lbs  for a total of   7 the first week and 15 more comes to

a total of 22 lbs.  Hey that made my day.  But I have been throwing up the last two days so I am back on clear

liquids till I Dr. Machado on the 22ND for my regular 4-5 week check up.  I thought it might have been the

a really bad bug from the Hospital on that site. I know it was the largest stoma made by a surgical instrument.

It is turning black with I will call doc tomorrow to get reassured. My big sissy in Oregon told me too. So I usually
trust her to follow thru.

If anyone out there is a praying person please keep Paula P. in prayer. We never really knew we had Cherokee Indian in our blood line from my mom's people from Swananoa, NC  near Cherokee, NC but Paula is going blind and deaf at 58yrs from a genetic disease that affects American Indians and some Asians.  We knew we were Greek and Irish but did not know our grandmother 5 generations back was a Cherokee Indian.  So please pray for my sister please. I love her so.

Now I know where my high cheek bones come from.  They are starting to be seen again as I loose weight.

Take care and best wishes to all.


I ate an oopps!

Jun 03, 2009

I was so hungry after two week of eating liquids and canned pureed things.  I was cooking some ends of 3 tri tips to make a stew for my husband.  I took two pieces and thought I had cut then down enough that when I chewed then to a pulp they would be okay.  All seemed well even when I could not drink (I'm a drinker with food before surgery) I thought I was okay.

I started feeling a severe pressure in my chest.  (I have stress angina it did not hurt that bad ) But it was scary!  Then up came every thing holding it in my tee shirt as I ran to the kitchen sink.  (I have always fought vomiting) I didn't even know it was happening.  Bummer!  Scared me for sure.... My buddy at OH Sunray aka Nancey told me about her run in with beef.  It wasn't as bad as her's but I should have believed her. Now I don't want people yelling at me for trying beef.

I took two pinches of the pork without sauce of my husbands BBQ just for the taste. No problems , that was why I did it.
I loved California steaks.  Good beef in this state.  But now I am not eating any until after 4 weeks.  At two weeks I am still healing my opening.  BAD GIRL!!!!!!!   Oh well on to the next lesson. 


Loss of weight one week after surgery

May 28, 2009

I actually lost 13 lbs  not  12.5 as my ticker stated.  Who knows why it messed up when I tried to set it.
Hey I want even a 1/2 lb credit.  Clearliquids or not


Almost One week Post Op

May 25, 2009

Hi You all!  

When I woke up this morning I did not need any kind of pain medication for the first day since surgery..  It was a good thing cause I have to grind pills cause I am allergic to the lig version.  So glade not to have to drink that bitter pill.

The hospital setting was a bit of a blurr except for when my husband and girl friend Joyce were there. I could not have dreamed for such wonderful support.  They were  both checking to make sure I would drink enough protein and fluids.
Other then my guy I had not told any of the people in my life because of some early negativity from a younger sibling. I shared with my girlfriend a few days before we went on vacation the week before surgery. Had forgotten, I wake up and there she is with my guy. It was such a blessing to have someone I had just gotten to know be of such help.
Get to see Dr. Machado on Wednesday, looking forward to eating something other then clear liq.
I will let you all know how it goes.
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Tommorrow is the day of my surgery!

May 18, 2009

Getting excited about my surgery tomorrow morning but a bit nervouse.
 I will ask for prayers from all of you out there.
I have read a bit too much online for the negatives as well as theh positives.
But I am ready to begin a new life.  A healthy and smaller person's life.

1 comment

What is an Angel? I have asked for one but no response.

May 04, 2009

Please explaing to me what a personal Angel is.

Learning how to blog and having fun!

Apr 28, 2009

I am not just new to WLS but also new to bloging.  Having alot of fun so far.


Surgery finally scheduled!!!!!!!

Apr 23, 2009

I have had trouble with my new insurance so it has taken me an extra year to finally be able to get auth to see aDr. Laura Machado  with Sacramento Bariatric Practice . 
Well the date of surgery has been set as May 19th, 2009. I originally looked at the use of the band, but as I spoke to Dr. M I realized that the GB would help me not to develop Diabetes which my mother's family has been a problem.
I'm not afraid of the surgery having worked around surgeons for years, I am concerned a bit with the first few weeks of change of eating habits. I know it is a matter of health in my life so I am looking forward having a higher quality of life as I loose weight.
