Stages of Banding by Jessie Ahroni

Mar 01, 2008

I pulled this from SmartBandsters (a yahoo group that I frequent).

Stages of Banding

Discovering the Band
Wondering if this is for me
Doing serious research
Joining a support group
Getting hopeful
Finding a doctor
Shock at the price
Deciding to do it
Making the arrangement
Wondering if you made the right decision
Getting nervous
Going ahead with it
Waking up and wondering what the hell you did to yourself.
Post-op discomfort
Month of liquids- not being able to strictly adhere
Wondering if you've been scammed again
Seeing a little success
Getting your first fill
Changing your eating habits
Seeing more success
Getting second fill
Really losing
Seriously changing your eating habits
Being totally euphoric about your weight loss
Changing your thinking about eating
Wanting to tell every fat person you meet about the band
Realizing you really can't eat
Worrying about nutrition
Learning to eat healthy and wise
Finding other ways to meet your emotional needs
Realizing it takes a long time to lose 100lbs
Trudging along
My clothes are too big
Buying new clothes
Oops, I bought too much too these are too big
Buying more clothes
Getting near goal
Enjoying all the compliments
Feeling successful
Getting aggressive
Not taking crap from anybody
Realizing you can be assertive without steam rolling everybody
Finding balance
Wondering what comes next

**There are other stages and everybody does not go through them in the same order or even go through all the stages. Some people might have stages to add....and there is some looping back and forth. But these are common stages that Bandsters go through.


Mar 01, 2008

I am in that lovely phase and I now know WHY it's called "bandster hell".  I always thought it was just a ficticious place in "far far away land" and I would never have to deal with it.  But deal with it I must, and it ain't pretty!  

My daughter is a brownie; it's Girl Scout cookie time; 'nuff said!!  I ordered before I had surgery and obviously wasn't thinking.  But, it has turned out to be a blessing because I can't eat very many.  A year ago I could polish off a whole box of Samoas within 15 minutes.  There room for samoa cookie.Not true this year - I only had 2 cookies.  My dh has been taking boxes to work and I have been taking boxes to school for snack and FINALLY, they are all gone and I'm not ordering more!  So, that's one thing I've done to help get me through this time.

I go in for my first fill on March 13th - I am so excited to be on this journey, I don't care if it takes 10 fills for me to get restriction.  I'm in this for the long haul and am learning (the not so easy way) how to have patience.

OT:  We are adding a second story to our house - construction should be getting under way within (hopefully) a few weeks.  So that will keep me busy.  I find when I'm bored, that I want to eat.  I know it's head hunger but it has gotten the best of me a couple of times.  That wasn't fun, but I didn't puke.  Just extremely uncomfortable for a couple of hours and freaking out thinking I may have screwed up something in there.  I want to do this by the book but am having problems with quantity.  I guess I'm going to have to measure everything and not let myself get too hungry.

I love my band and wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything except, maybe, for a box of Samoas.  


I have pink hair!!!

Feb 21, 2008

I went to Tina on Wednesday for my beautification process and walked out with a large pink piece of hair !  Tina is my girl and she is an artist in every sense of the word.  I told her I was feeling "spunky funky" and wanted something different than the usual soccer-PTA-preschool-teacher-mom hair.  Well, I got it!  All of the kids absolutely love it, including my boss.  If I can get a decent photo, (I'm decidedly NOT photogenic) I will post it.  I have to say, it is pretty cool!  I think I'll do blue next time.

I went for my post op yesterday and was down 11.5 pounds according to their scale.  I am using what I weighed when I went in for my pre op.  That brings me to 18 pounds down.  I like that number better!

18 and counting

Feb 19, 2008

down!  It's been 15 days and 18 pounds - can you believe it??????  When's the last time I lost 18 pounds?  Awhile ago!

I have my post-op appointment on Thursday and will get to go on to mushies - I don't think I've ever been this excited about cottage cheese and refried beans - well maybe the beans - but definitely not the CC.

Went back to work today - had a blast but, the little darlings weren't quite that darling!  A lot of misbehavior!  We have this one precious darling that will not do anything that is expected - complete disobedience to EVERYTHING!!!!!  I love him but he drives me nuts!  What do you do with a 5 year old that openly defies and refuses to do anything you ask him to (other than love him)?  Other kids in the class have no problem following instruction.  I really feel for him once he gets to kindergarten.  From conversations with the parent, he is the same way at home.  The teacher (I'm the assistant) has had conversations with the parent regarding his (mis)behavior.  She understands but apparently does nothing about discipline.  Discipline = training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.  We only get to spend 10 hours a week with him so that really isn't enough to get through to him unless the parent is willing to do things at home.  He is a really sweet boy, but his behavior has got to improve!  His behavior is taking away from the other students because it is constant - if he only misbehaved occasionally, I would be better able to handle him.  But he completely wears me out - it's like chasing after a 2 year old all day!  And that's all I have to say about that.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Food, food, and more food

Feb 11, 2008

I have a bazillion tiny containers of pureed food in my fridge .  Seems I will eat 1/4 cup of something and not want the rest.  I have found what I think has got to be the best tasting so far - progresso chicken cheese enchilada soup - it's spicy but not too - and did I mention cheese enchiladas are my absolute most favorite food in the whole wide world?!?!  Can't wait to be on reg food so I can have a couple of bites of one!

I have lost 12 pounds since surgery.  I can't help it - I have to weigh every day!!!

My nails are still too long - can't type so well- going to get them cut down tomorrow - will write more then.

I'm with the band!!!

Feb 05, 2008

Surgery went great!  No problems at all!

I have peace regarding surgery

Feb 01, 2008

It's funny - I'm not nervous except for the occasional butterfly when I think about it.  Does this mean I'm not serious?  Not at all.  I am leaving it up to God to give Dr. Stewart's very capable hands guidance.  I am, however, EXTREMELY EXCITED!!!~~~~  3 more sleeps (if you don't have kids sleeps = nights) until surgery.  I'm going to the chiropractor Monday morning at 9:15 for a final adjustment.  Also, I don't have to be at the hospital until 11:00am so that will kill some time.

I had my nails done on Wed so I can't type so well, so I'm going to leave it for tonight

In less than

Jan 28, 2008

one week, I will be banded!!!!  I need to get my lists together and go shopping!!!!!!  CAN YOU TELL HOW EXCITED I AM???????

10 days to bandland!!!!

Jan 24, 2008

For those of you who were approved quickly, congrats!  For those that are still waiting, hang in there and don't give up.  If you are having lapband and thinking of hiring an attorney, talk with your surgeon's office.  Allergan has a program where they could possibly pay for an attorney to appeal your case.  Of course it depends on your specific situation and insurance.  But, every avenue is worth pursuing in trying to get approved.

I am just so excited I can hardly stand it!

13 days from today

Jan 23, 2008

and I will be banded!!!!!!!!  I tried the Nectar protein - it really is pretty good!

Later gator!

About Me
Corinth, TX
Surgery Date
May 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 53
No gain for me!!!!
The fill is working!!!!!!
More than 5 pounds.........
Another fill, another 5 pounds
I'm thinking it's time for another fill
