Jan 20, 2008

Today is my birthday - na na na na na na na na- we're gonna have a good time!   I have done absolutely nothing today - I'm still in my jammies, on the couch, several pieces of cheesecake in my tummy.  I'm a happy camper!!!  Cheesecake is my absolute all-time favorite food.  And I found the perfect recipe along with tweaking it ever so slightly - it's heaven on a graham cracker crust   That's the last cheesecake I'll have for quite some time - possibly until next Thanksgiving!

My doctor doesn't require a preop diet, so I am starting my own tomorrow morning - how many times have I started a diet on Monday Morning?????  This will (hopefully) be the last Monday Morning Diet for me. 

I'm still so psyched out about being approved - I get giddy just thinking about it!  In retrospect, it really wasn't all that hard - just alot of phone calls and paper shuffling.  Definitely worth the time and energy spent.

On another note, I thought I didn't like football, apparently I do.  It's kind of cool to see a bunch of grown men with all kinds of testosterone out on a grass field trying to get the guy with the ball.  And getting paid millions of dollars to do it!!!!!    I really like Eli and Brett, so it's hard for me to choose who I want to see in the Superbowl -  Eli is cute, Brett has that manly rugged look - okay - I like Brett - I want Green Bay to win tonight.  I wonder how much the guys in the blue suits get paid to bring out the chain to measure first downs?  And is it really accurate?  I mean what if one guy moves just an inch - that can throw the whole shebang off! 

Okay - reality

Jan 17, 2008

has set in.  I am completely freaking out about the changes I have to make.  I have a love affair with food (as I'm sure most of us do or we wouldn't be here) and I'm already mourning the loss of bread, salad, and being able to gulp diet pepsi max - okay the pepsi not so much - but I love bread - I like the way it feels, the way it smells, the way it looks, etc, etc,........  I guess I am just plain scared.  Scared of pb-ing (gross), sliming (grosser), and throwing up (ultimate in grossness).  And also of getting something stuck.  I told my dh tonight that I must stock up on pineapple juice.  I understand the enzymes help with dissolving food in case it gets stuck - must be room temperature pineapple juice.  This is coming from a woman who freaked out about the baby coming before having alcohol and Qtips on hand.  Everyone knows YOU MUST HAVE ALCOHOL BEFORE THE BABY CAN COME HOME!!!!!    Yeah, I know, a little psycho - but still you can never be too prepared!  I must stock up on protein powder, chicken broth, etc, etc..  I need someone to tell me it WILL be okay - my poor dh - he just looks at me and agrees as he never knows when the pre-menopausal hormones will kick in and I sprout horns. 


Jan 16, 2008


After 9 extremely long months and 2 appeals, I am approved!!!!! 


Have you ever noticed

Jan 12, 2008

that the first few posts are really, really upbeat and as time and obstacles happen, the state of mind goes south?  Well, I have.  Why is that?  Why do we lose faith so quickly after we aren't hearing what we want to hear?

Miracle of Miracles....

Dec 29, 2007

Are you sitting down?  

My appeal has finally been sent to Aetna.  Nancy (plan coordinator) called me today to let me know Aetna received it on 12/22.  Now, I have to wait for an answer.  And we all know I am not a patient person!!  So this is it - if I am denied, I have to start all over.  And I will - they will not win- I may not be patient, but I AM tenacious.  Sometimes that serves me well, other times, not so much.

Until next time............

Come On Ya'll!!!!!!!

Dec 16, 2007

I called Friday to get the status of my appeal - Kelly at Obesity Law told me Walter would be filing it on Monday.  I know I'm not paying for them to file my appeal, but don't you think they could have had it done by now?  I have been on this train since April so I guess I'm kinda burned out in the waiting department. 

On another note, I have been faithfully following The Thin Commandents Diet and have lost 7 pounds since Monday!  My BMI is now 40.1.  I am so ready to have this done and be on my way.

Repeat After Me: Lawyers are our friends

Nov 14, 2007

So - here we are one week out from Turkey Day and have I had surgery?  No - Have I received approval for surgery?  Again, no.

Leah at my surgeon's office called Allergan to try and get their assistance in appealing my denial.  Walter Lindstrom agreed to take my case and Allergan will reimburse.  I am currently waiting for Mr. Lindstrom's office to call and let me know when the appeal has been sent.  

I'm not very good at waiting.  In the meantime, I have had 2 neuroablations (nerve anahilation) on my left foot due to Morton's Neuroma brought on by my weight - $2500.00, xrays, an MRI and lots of pain meds for my back - approximately $800.00.  I am now going to the chiropractor to try and get some relief for the back pain.  Aetna has paid for all of this yet won't pay for a $14,000 surgery which will completely cure all of the above?  Me thinks their accounting department needs an overhaul!

So I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and.............

What are you REALLY afraid of?

Sep 30, 2007

I am afraid to call Aetna to get a status update - at this point I just can't take another "no".  So, I'm not going to call - ignorance is bliss - for now. 

Lost records and other musings.......

Sep 18, 2007

How is it possible to lose two years worth of medical records?  That is the question of the hour.  Seems the OB/GYN's medical records storage facility can't find my records from 1999 - 2000.  Without these records, it is highly unlikely that I will EVER be approved for surgery - where is the fairness in all of this?

I have called said OBGYN's office repeatedly with no response.  After getting upset with the poor lady who answered the phone today, I was told the chart states "unable to find records".  What the ??????  What do you mean you are "unable to find records"?  How hard can it possibly be?  It's only been 7 years - I received my records from my other OB just 2 days after requesting them - I was a patient there 10 years ago!!!!!!!  I think someone just doesn't want to do their job!!!!   AAARRRGGGHHH!  Will it ever end?

Now for the good news - my DH's company, Gulfstream / General Dynamics (depending on what hangar you're at) has an employee officed at Aetna to handle these kind of things.  My dh went into the HR department yesterday and talked with the HR rep - before he could even finish she was on the phone to the laison person!  HR rep explained the grief we have been going through and the laison told the HR rep to have me send her the info and she would get to the bottom of it for me!  YEAH!!!!!!!  So, I promptly sent her a 43 page fax today with all of the pertinent info and a very nice and thorough cover letter.  We are self-funded so Gulfstream can overturn any denial.  I am praying this is what is going to happen!

So, I am much happier today! 

Until next time - and you know there will be a next time!

And once again, the fat lady fails to show up!

Sep 08, 2007

I called Aetna to find out if they had received the additional info Leah sent over - they had.  Kim (the kind nurse) then went on to tell me that it had to go into appeals - Dr. Ferrari could not look at any more info regarding my case. 

Aetna has 30 days in which to respond to the appeal.  So here I sit, fat and so unhappy waiting for, I'm sure, at least 29 days to get an answer.    At this point, I'm really not holding my breath!  I have to live - I have not been living since I started this journey.  I guess I have become quite obsessed with the approval process and getting everything lined up to go.  Now I'm still waiting - and a patient person I am not!  

I have promised my children so many things for next summer, and if this surgery doesn't happen soon, I will have to break those promises.  I really don't want to do that!!!!

About Me
Corinth, TX
Surgery Date
May 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 53
No gain for me!!!!
The fill is working!!!!!!
More than 5 pounds.........
Another fill, another 5 pounds
I'm thinking it's time for another fill
