Naes Wls J. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi Kim, Im so glad you post today, what you wrote is what I needed to hear. I tell ya, post like yours always help me to keep on track and focus. Like always I get alittle depressed when the plateau stays to long and wears out it's welcome. LOL like always I wonder is this it. But it always turn out, no theres more to come. anyhow thanks for your post it gave me more fuel to go on. **Hugs**

kimlasavio 21 years, 2 months ago

Hi all!! Well, I am back from my first post-op backpacking trip, and I had SUCH a wonderful time. I went with my two sons, both Eagle Scouts, one 24 and one 21, so I was well taken care of. Almost blew up my new stove, but that was the only mishap. I'm not very mechanical... I hiked in about 2.5 miles the first day to Coast Camp at Point Reyes National Seashore. Set up camp all by myself (the boys had taken a more challenging route) and enjoyed the terrific views of sea and forest. I walked down to the beach near sunset and even got to see a stragler whale mom and babe come up and blow their spouts for me! That was the only one any of us saw all weekend, but it was so magical. My son also got several pictures of two albino deer that they came accross as they were hiking in. The second day I hiked up the Coast Trail about 5 miles and then back. I felt like I was flying through the mist, looking out at the ocean and bluffs on one side and the dark woods on the other. It finally rained a little the second night, and we hiked back out in light sprinkles, just enough to feel nice and keep us cool. How can I express how grateful I am to have had this surgery? How can I say thank you to the people who have supported me and made it possible for me to reclaim my life? I really thought I would never see these things or feel the pleasure of working hard along a trail with peace and beauty all around me. I am ten months post op - if I was having trouble adjusting to the "new me" before, these past three days have gone a long way to helping me accept my new abilities. I was so afraid I would hurt myself in some way or have a problem with food or something, but everything was just fine. Well, sorry this is so long, but I am on cloud nine this morning and just had to share with you who are feeling all the emotions of waiting for surgery, or feeling crummy right after surgery, that there can be a normal and wonderful life in just a few short months' time if you hang in there, follow your doctors' directions and move forward with a positive outlook. I will send along a picture to put on my profile - a picture of me at the end of the trip with my new boots, pack, and body, hair all a mess, and very happy indeed!!! Love and best wishes to all at this season of renewal, Kim

laury 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Kim, congrads on the great success. when I read your question, jerky and powdered milk popped into my mind, they are both high in protein and no or low fat. Happy hiking kiddo, Laury

Laura M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Kim Congratulations on your wonderful success! Laura Martin

MommaAngel 21 years, 4 months ago

HI KIM Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

kylakae 21 years, 6 months ago

Kim, congratulations on joining the century club! Woohoo, way to go!

kimberley B. 21 years, 6 months ago

Kim, Welcome to the century club!! You have done an awesome job with your loss and a change of life. KimmieTN

Suzy C. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Kim! CONGRATULATIONS on making it into the Century Club! 100 pounds in "remission" is quite a feat. I hope you continue to enjoy success and good health in the future.

kimlasavio 21 years, 6 months ago

Well, the day is here. I have lost 100 pounds. My surgery was 06/03/02. I have been feeling so well! It is interesting to see people I haven't seen for a while and have them not recognize me. I am also surprised by the difference in how people treat me. It is a sad comment on our culture; after all, I am the same person I was six months ago, but I get more consideration and attention than I did 100 pounds ago. Losing this weight has done great things for my physical wellness and ability to exercise. I am back hiking again, and I was thinking yesterday about how I have lost the equivalent of two full backpacks from my body! No wonder it feels so much better to get out there and walk! No brainer, right! Makes me wonder how anyone could be opposed to this wonderful life-changing procedure. I am eating almost normal foods now - still have to really watch the sugar, and I do want to eat too fast, which makes me nauseous for sure, so I am still careful, but it is so much easier than it was the first few months. I would say my biggest problem right now is having to buy new clothes every few weeks. (Down to a small or size 8 top and size 12 pants from size 24/26 before surgery). It's fun but expensive, too. To sum it up, I now know why so many people stop posting - life goes on, you feel great, and you just don't spend so much time sitting in front of the computer when you feel so good. Best of holiday wishes to everyone out there. Thanks again for this wonderful site. Kim

kimlasavio 21 years, 10 months ago

I just got back from my PCP's office, where we went over my yearly chemistries that he took last week. I am down to 209 on his scale (that's 53 pounds gone), and my cholesterol has gone from 267 down to 171 in three months!!! He was *very* happy about that, and so am I! You know, it's just starting to sink in to my thick skull that this actually maybe is really going to work for me! We talked again about the life-time committment to good eating habits and exercise that are required, even with surgery, to maintain a healthy weight long term. The thing is, I don't mind the challenge and doing the work to keep it off, as long as there are results to my efforts, you know? Went hiking this morning about 3-1/2 miles, and it felt SO good to swing my arms and walk along with so much less effort than at the beginning of the summer. Some little things I have noticed that are nice: I can cross my legs. I can sit in a church pew with my hands folded across my lap. I can get in and out of the car without adjusting the steering wheel up. I can buy pretty underclothes and not feel grossed out looking at myself in the mirror. I can carry a purse over my arm and not feel like it's sticking straight out. I can get in and out of the shower without holding onto the grab bar for fear of falling. I can go to the ladies' department and try on cute clothes that don't look like circus tents - and some things are even too big! I went shopping with my mom at a Nordstrom Rack last week, and she kept bringing me 1X things to try on, even though I told her I was working my way into regular 16s. She just couldn't believe that I could be in regular sizes already. I have cleaned out my closet again, and I can relate to the feeling of having certain things I just didn't want to get rid of because they were favorites. Well, sorry to ramble. School starts for me Sept. 4, and I will not be having much time to post after that, at least until break in December. This has been such a wonderful, relaxing, powerful, awesome, summer of change for me. I am full of hope for my future and can't wait to see where the path leads. I would not have had this surgery done if it weren't for finding the information on this site. There are no words to thank all of you for your support of me and each other through your sharing of information and truth. Blessings to all, Kim
About Me
Ione, CA
Surgery Date
May 25, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
April 16, 2003 Point Reyes National Seashore New pack, new boots, new body!!
