Mmmm... Tater Tots!

Apr 02, 2013

I’m home from vacation now and feeling a bit blue. Guess it’s the back to work blues. On the way home last Saturday, I was feeling good but Jason was not... His tummy was upset and we had to stop every 30 to 45 minutes for him to use the bathroom.  Not fun. Anyway, at one of the many gas stations that we stopped at, I went in and used the bathroom and then started looking around waiting on him to come out.  I had snacks in the car for myself but I started browsing the shelves and the desire for those salty and carb loaded snacks became really overpowering.  At first, I saw the Cheez-its and wanted those.  I picked up a pack and started reading the nutrition facts and working out in my head how many I could eat for a certain number of carbs and calories.  Then I started looking at the other stuff… Pringles, Chex Mix, Hot Fries. Even Combos!!  Those nasty little round pretzel or bread snacks with this cross between a solid and liquid substance stuffed inside.  They aren’t even good but I wanted them more than anything. There was a very small pack of them and I thought they wouldn’t be that bad…

I almost gave in and bought some but my good sense took over and I told myself to go wait for J in the car. Crisis averted but I was still really craving carbs all day and on Sunday too. I managed to make it through without doing any damage and on Monday morning, I realized that I had been PMSing. So that was a big reason why my cravings were so out of control. Last night, I still had cravings for carbs (tater tots, for some strange reason) but I resisted.  While I was eating chicken and spinach for dinner, J was eating a sandwich on a hoagie roll with potato chips right next to me on the bed. I didn’t punch him and steal his food or slap his plate against the wall, so my cravings must not be that bad, right? Still in the somewhat controllable range. :-)

It just sucks how hormones or emotions or a combo of all that physiological stuff can make you feel like crap when just a day or two before, I was feeling on top of the world! No cravings, no desire for crap food and energy levels off the charts. Sunday I exercised and laid by the pool and was feeling great until the evening.  Then I realized I had to go back to work the next day and the dinner I made sucked horribly (I cooked a ham and didn’t realize I left a layer of plastic on it until 3 hours in…yes, I suck at cooking) so I started getting depressed... which, in turn, started me craving carbs. Really badly. Then yesterday, I felt like a slug all day.  I didn’t exercise and no food except junk food sounded good at all.  I wanted Sonic tater tots with tons of ketchup. Salt and sugar cravings, I suppose.

Anyway, I forced myself to get up today and go to the gym.  I really didn’t want to but I made myself and I’m glad I did.  I feel a bit better. I know if I had slept until 830 instead, I would have been groggy and felt horrible. So I am forcing myself to behave no matter how much my mind and body doesn’t want to cooperate. I am almost at 65 pounds down. Tomorrow is my 3 month anniversary and I have goals I want to accomplish. And tater tots won’t help me get to those goals so they aren’t going in my mouth any time soon!


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