Where is my summer vacation?

May 21, 2013

Work has me stressed right now.  I have to be on top of everything and constantly multi-tasking and juggling my responsibilities. I am trying really hard to focus but my heart isn't in it right now.  I would much rather be reading on OH, cooking low carb food, exercising, hanging out with my husband and friends... heck, even cleaning the house! I just feel burned out even though I really shouldn't be.  I have barely been in my new position for 2 years and I need to just focus.  I really looked forward to being in my current position and now I'm starting to get antsy to move again! Plus I want to take a certification course this year to get my HR certificate but I can't even think about finding time to study for that!  Ugh, I have to buckle down.  Summer makes me want to just throw all my rules out the window and just run around like a kid.  I want no responsibilities, no pressure, no worries. Well yea... that's not going to happen so I'll make my plan of attack and try to get all the things on my to do list done!

In weight loss news, I am staying the same.  I am totally fine with that! I had a much better food day yesterday than Monday so that was good.  I know my body will probably take some time to adjust because of all the weight I lost last week.  So I am fine with not seeing any drops on the scale this week.  I am leaving to go back to my hometown tomorrow afternoon and will be there until Sunday night so tomorrow morning is my last chance to weigh until Monday morning.  I think it will be good for me to take a break from the scale... but I won't be taking a break from logging my food or making healthy choices! I am way too close to 100 pounds lost to take a break now!

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