Getting back to business!

Jul 03, 2013

So hitting 100 pounds lost and summer vacation has screwed me up.  I was doing SO good eating my low carb way and exercising.  Then summer hit and my routine flew out the window and I started slipping.  I slipped way too far and it all hit me last night.  I was supposed to be going to the gym after work and then having just some leftover ham and a salad for dinner.  I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed playing on my phone and just didn’t want to go.  I sat there and sat there putting it off and then finally got up and went to the kitchen and started eating Cheez-its!  Once that happened, I went nuts.  I ate some cookies and some pita chips and some Weight Watchers candy that has been in my pantry forever.  I felt horrible after my small binge. Of course, I couldn’t eat much of this stuff because of my sleeve but it was way too many carbs for me and I haven’t done that kind of mindless eating since my surgery.  I stopped (my stomach stopped me) and went and took a long hot bath.  I felt horrible. I had really wanted to try and be back on track and last night ruined it… but I’m not going to let it stop me. I know why I did that.  I have no routine and no schedule.  I have been taking a lot of vacation days and I guess I feel like I am on vacation with my healthy lifestyle too.

The funny thing is that my friend came to stay with me last week for a few days and when she was here, I did great!  I lost weight and ate really well.  It’s when I am alone or on the days I have to work between my vacations that I am lazy and want to eat everything.  When I am at the beach or the pool, I am active and have my low carb, healthy snacks ready to go!  So I know how to put the kibosh on this… get back into my routine! Especially on work days.

When I took my stepson to school every morning at 7 AM, it was easy to just slip on gym clothes and go straight to the gym that was 3 minutes away from his school.  I would work out and that would kind of set the tone for the day.  I would get home with energy to start work and have a protein shake.  These days I roll out of bed minutes before I am supposed to sign into work and I feel like I am in a fog for the first hour.  I feel lazy and sleepy and not productive.   So I am starting back today! This minute!

Tomorrow is the 4th and I am doing a bootcamp on the beach at 9 AM with some friends.  Friday I have a convention to go to downtown and then the weekend is pretty much open.  I hope to exercise every day though, in some kind of way.  Then Monday, I will be back to my regular 5 day work week and I will start my routine again. Waking up and exercising BEFORE work.  Planning my healthy meals and avoiding snack and junk foods.  I have 68 pounds to go until I reach my goal.  Compared to the 104 I have already lost, that sounds small.  I can do this! I will not stop or let food and laziness derail my efforts to get this done!  I have 6 more months before my one year anniversary of my surgery and I would love to be down at least 150 pounds even if I’m not quite at goal.   I have plans and I am NOT going to let anything stop me!

I have so many NSVs that I would be crazy to stop now.  I can cross my legs again, I fit into all chairs again.  I feel beautiful sometimes and my confidence is through the roof!  I bought a new bikini top and feel great in it.  I love the smaller me and can’t wait until I get smaller and smaller. I am up to go anywhere and travel and do spontaneous things with my husband and friends.  I can wear normal shirts again even though I am still plus size on the bottom.  I wear a 20 pant still… I have been dying to fit into 18 shorts but that isn’t happening yet.  I have so much more to look forward to… I would be CRAZY to let anything stop me now. I won’t let food ruin my happiness again.  I want to be in control this time. Food just isn’t worth it!


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Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2012
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