Lost 108 and feeling great!

Jul 08, 2013

I have now lost 108 pounds!  This 4 day weekend that I had went pretty good.  Thursday I had planned on doing a beach bootcamp but my husband talked about how packed the beach would be and that scared me so I backed out.  I also had planned to go to the fitness center here in my complex and the pool but my badge expired on the 1st of July and I didn't realize. I go to the pool with my bag of stuff and workout clothes and was told too bad, I couldn't come in. :-( That put me in a bad mood but I got over it and spent the day with my husband just hanging out.

Friday I went to my convention downtown and the parking was bad because I got there late. I walked all the way from the parking lot to the convention center, took the stairs instead of the escalator up 3 flights of stairs and walked around looking for a seat.  When I found one, I sat down and realized I wasn't huffing and puffing. My heart wasn't racing... and I sat down with ease! No wiggling into the seat because I barely fit! I slid right in! That was a great feeling.  I also was able to cross my legs, something I haven't done in years! YAY!

Saturday I visited a friend who was staying in Jekyll Island, about an hour and a half from me.  We went to the beach and then ate lunch then I came home and my husband and I went out.  I wore a pair of khaki shorts and my new wedges and I felt a little self-conscious cus my legs aren't my best feature.  I have really big thighs and they aren't smooth... but the vodka I had helped! :-) My husband said I looked exceptionally beautiful so I take it he liked the outfit.

Sunday was just some shopping and hanging out. I ate pizza for dinner which is not good but I'm back on track today.  I figure a splurge here or there right now is ok since I've got so much going on. This weekend I have a family event but I am going to plan and be very good Monday-Friday.  If I have a few extra things on Saturday and Sunday, I won't be devastated but I plan on really getting back to hardcore healthy eating and exercise next Monday. 

Tomorrow is my sixth month out since surgery and I am happy with my progress.  108 pounds in six months isn't anything to sneeze at.  I am almost 2/3 of the way to my goal! I have 172 pounds to lose total... that seems like a huge number! Only 64 more to go... I feel so much more confident now, I can't imagine how I will feel after losing 60 more pounds! But I want to find out! Hopefully, the weight loss will start ramping up on my hips and thighs, where I carry a lot of my weight.

All in all, I am doing really well.  I need to get back in my exercise routine but I'm good with where I'm at now. I feel great and know that more weight loss is coming. My only goal right now is to keep going with healthy eating, exercising and the weight loss. I would love to be at goal this time next year but if I'm not, it's ok with me. I'm in it for the long haul and as long as the scale keeps moving down and I know I haven't given up, I'm a happy girl!!


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Oct 07, 2012
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