Time to open the Ex-files!

Jul 10, 2013

So this weekend, Jason and I are taking the boys to meet their mother and grandfather halfway between our cities. They are going to have them for a few weeks. It's about a 12 hour distance between us but Jason and I are going to visit my family in a city that is pretty much halfway anyway so it works out. HOWEVER, this will be the first time that I have ever met Jason's ex-wife. We have never met or really even talked on the phone.  Before Jason and I were married and the boys lived with us, he would go get them and bring them back himself. Then when some things happened in her life where we got full custody of the boys, Jason picked them up himself. Since then, either the grandfather has come to pick them up, they have taken a direct flight or Jason will meet someone halfway. 

I'm not really scared to meet her... 110 pounds ago, I would have been dreading it! Now I feel MUCH more confident and so I'm not really afraid to see her. She has never been mean or said anything rude about me (that I know of); I think she is kind of a lost soul. She has a lot of issues and I hope that she is just grateful that I am taking care of her sons as best I can and that I love them.  So I don't think she is going to do anything to make it really awkward or anything. Her father has always been nice to me and I hope he comments on my weight loss. He didn't see me at my heaviest but close.

I am so grateful that I decided to have this surgery when I did.  I think it was just perfect timing for me.  I had hit rock bottom and I had pretty much given up on myself.  I was sure that if I didn't do something drastic, that I was going to either die or have serious irreversible complications. I feel like it was the perfect time for me to wake up and realize what I was doing to myself and I got the help I needed to make a true change. This summer is totally different from last summer.  Last summer, I was pretty miserable. I hadn't reached my highest weight yet but I was close. I was hot and no shorts or barely any capris I could find fit me.  I actually couldn't go to an outside work event that I had been looking forward to because I had nothing to wear but a very thick pair of jeans and that was too hot. I've changed in so many ways and I know my feelings about meeting Jason's (did I mention, blonde and skinny as stick, never had a weight problem, even after two kids?) ex would be totally different if I hadn't had this surgery.

SO I have picked out my outfit and I am going to make sure I look as good as possible after a 6 hour car ride and I will finally meet the woman Jason married all those years ago before me.  Nerve wracking, yes... but I have my new found confidence so I think I can handle it!



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Oct 07, 2012
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