My weekend as the skinny girl

Sep 10, 2013

I am 8 months out from surgery as of yesterday.  I am over 126 pounds down from my highest weight this morning.  Writing those two statements doesn’t feel all that real.  Just saying those things doesn’t mean that much.  However, going back to my hometown this weekend and seeing all my old friends and coworkers… that was beyond amazing.  I know people have said this a million times but I wish I could just bottle that feeling and save it for when the scale is being a bitch to me. :-)

I left for Augusta on Thursday morning and went straight into work.  Everyone was flipping out when they saw me.  They were telling me how skinny I was (yeah, right) and how great I looked.  There was another lady that had surgery the month before me and she came over and we hugged and chatted a while.  She is so happy and she’s lost about 106 pounds.  Together we have lost over 230 pounds!!

I went out with friends every night I was there and it was such a freaking ego boost.  Everyone was telling me how great I looked and I felt like I fit in.  I didn’t feel like the obese friend that was trying to blend into the background.  Such a change from being there last year around this time.  I was so self-conscious last year and hated the way I looked.  This time, I wore cute outfits and kept surprising myself when I would look at all the pictures we were taking. I actually looked good in some of them.  I looked thin in a few!!  My chin was pointy and there was only ONE of them. LOL  

I drank way too much on Friday night and ended up getting sick.  I was so focused on work and seeing everyone during the day that I barely ate any food.  Then when I got off, I was rushing to help my friend set up for the party and get everything together.  By the time the party started, I took a few shots and then I was down for the count.  I tried eating after I realized that the booze went straight to my head but too late! I got sick and ended up in bed and passed out early. Whoops! 

After that, the thought of alcohol made me sick to my stomach the rest of the weekend so I was the DD.  I didn’t mind at all though.  We went out Saturday night and I just had water and then we met a bunch of people at a place nearby where everyone could dance.  Normally, I would have been way too self-conscious to dance without a drop of alcohol in me.  This time, I was out there shaking my tail with my girlfriends!  I didn’t care that I can’t really dance… It was fun and I kept telling myself I was burning calories!  We ended the night at Waffle House and I got a grilled chicken wrap and split it with someone.  I really just ate the chicken out of it cus it wasn’t that good. That’s another thing about not drinking, I didn’t make bad food choices.  I probably would have caved and gotten a patty melt and hashbrowns if I had been drinking. 

So now I am back home and back to normal.  I lost weight over the weekend and even this morning.  Besides the booze, I actually made good food choices and watched what I ate.  I was supposed to have a doctor’s appointment this week but I couldn’t find time to get my labs done so I am going tomorrow morning to get my labs and my appointment will be next Thursday.  Even if I don’t lose any more weight before I go, I am happy with where I am.  I have lost over 125 pounds in 8 months!  I feel like even though I haven’t been the strictest patient who makes good choices 100% of the time, I still have done pretty darn good. AND I am FAR from done.  I want to lose another 48 pounds.  I don’t care how long it takes, I just want to get to the 175 pounds down mark.  I will not stop… this ride has been too good to stop now.


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Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2012
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