
Feb 05, 2014

My scale won't go down! I got down to 217 and then every day after that, I bounced between 217 and 218.  I would have an amazing, fantastic day and think that tomorrow I would lose weight.  And then I'd wake up the next day and be UP like half a pound! Grrrr.... then I would say, ok, well, I'll do super again today and then I'll drop. Nope! Nothing! I have been doing so good and hadn't really stalled yet but I think this is it. So I've decided to take a break from the scale until Sunday morning.  I had carbs yesterday and ate off my normal plan. However, I knew what I was doing and allowed myself a cheat day.  Might not work for everyone but usually that will do the trick for me.  So today I am back on my plan. I am eating cottage cheese and turkey sausage right now.  I plan on tuna and a protein shake for lunch. Baked chicken breast for a snack. Dinner will probably be a boca burger and a salad. Today is going to be a super low carb day to try and shock my system again. I am not going to let myself weigh until Sunday morning so that I stay on point and keep exercising and eating good no matter what I weigh.

I really do need to start weighing only two days a week or less.  I need to put less focus on the scale and more focus on how I feel after a healthy day of eating or after a great exercise session.  Once i get within a few pounds of goal or I'm in maintenence, the scale is not going to be rewarding me anymore with losses.  I am going to have to find a way to not let the scale dictate how I feel. 

Other than that, I feel pretty good.  My size 16 jeans that I just bought from the Gap Outlet are fitting really loose on my now.  I have a pair of size 12 Calvin Klein jeans that are my goal but I am nowhere near ready to try those on yet.  Maybe in another 10 pounds, I'll try and see how they fit.  I have been exercising a lot and on days that I don't, I find that i am missing it.  I love music and being able to put on my ipod and just jog or walk really makes me happy. We live on a street that has huge sidewalks and the weather has been pretty nice so i've been able to go on my lunch break.  That's a great time to go because the neighborhood is pretty quiet and it gets me out of the house into the sunshine.  It's better than sitting in front of the TV napping or mindlessly eating!

Here's to a successful end to my week!

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