Four years later :(

Jan 01, 2013

Well, it has been four years since I have even added to my blog.  I am up 60 lbs from my lowest weight.  I am BOT as of TODAY.  I am all packed and ready for work tomorrow to stay on track.  I am back on so much of my medicine, my arthritis hurts so bad, and my emotions are NOT good.  I will need all of your support to stay on track.  Today is a new beginning (1/1/13)


11 Sep 08 - I'm up about 10 lbs!! Boo-hoo!!

Sep 10, 2008

Well, it has been a long time since I have made any entries.... I  have gotten hooked on McDonald's sweet tea and I am UP 10 lbs!! I have got to quit the tea fix right now!!   I have nightmares of gaining all my weight back.....  I am up to walking two miles a day, but with fall and winter coming on, I am afraid I will stop walking.  

My Gall Bladder is out!!

Sep 03, 2007

Labor Day, Sep 3, 2007..... I had my gall bladder removed last Friday, 31 Aug 07 laproscopically by the same surgeon, Dr. Shina, that performed my gastric bypass last fall (10 months ago).  It has all gone well so far.  I am just a little sore and the little incisions look great.  I feel much better now (without feeling sick to my stomach all the time).   I think it has kicked started my losing again.  I have already lost 15 lbs.  So far since my surgery last fall I have lost about 90 lbs.  I really didn't lose much this summer (my father passed away May 31st) I think my emotions have been way out of whack all summer and the losing was not happening.  But I am feeling much better about it all now.

My precious father passed away.

Jul 02, 2007

2 Jul 07 - On 31 May 07 my father, Norman, passed away.  I have had a really rough month coping with the loss.  I am determined not to go back to my old ways of eating to satisfy my hurting inside.  My parents had been married 59 1/2 years.  I am trying to stay strong for my Mom, but I am hurting so bad inside myself.  I am down some pounds eventhough I haven't been getting all my protein quota in everyday. 

Best Easter!

Apr 10, 2007

Apr 11, 2007.   I celebrated one of my best Easter's ever!!  I remember back in August 06 when I officially decided to go ahead with the Gastric Bypass surgery (after pursuing the lap band for so many years!), I kept wondering what size I would be by THIS Easter and I am so proud to say that I am almost 80 lbs lighter than last Easter!  I feel so much better and confident.  I am only about 25 lbs away from the size of all my smaller older sisters now.   I know by late summer we will all be the same size!  My Easter dress was a size 14!  It is almost unimagineable that I am this size again.  It was probably at least 25 years ago since I was this size!   God is Great!!

I'm under 200 lbs!!

Feb 25, 2007

Well, today is February 25, 2007 and I am officially under 200 lbs!!  I weighed this morning and I weigh 198!!   I am so excited, I don't ever want to see the scales go over 200 lbs again when I get on them.   My goal weight is 150, so only 48 more pounds to go.

New Year and feeling great!

Jan 13, 2007

12 Jan 07 - I am almost three months out from my lap gastric bypass surgery and have lost about 54 lbs.  I feel so much better than before.  This surgery has been a godsend!   I went to my internist this week and all my levels were fine and my cholestrol was great!!  He is talking about taking me off my blood pressure medicine soon (which I have taken for 25 years!  Life is great and I am always anxious to weigh!!

More info

Oct 17, 2006

17 Sep 06 - My lap gastric bypass surgery is scheduled for Oct 20th at 9:00 am. I am so excited... that is only a little over a month away! I got my packet in the mail yesterday of all my instructions for the surgery and there sure are lots of things to do between now and then!!

blog layouts

blog layouts

22 Sep 06 - Counting by Friday's, four Friday's from now I will be going into surgery at exactly this time. I have not been scared until now and I am going into an anxious stage. I am stocking up on my sugar-free jello, etc. I already drink a lot of Crystal Light, so I am planning on putting my unflavored protein powder in it after my surgery. Next week I go to the Cardiologist and the hospital for pre-ops, the following week I got the Pulminary doctor and then go to the Vascular surgeon..... then 20 Oct 06 is my big day!!!



2 Oct 06 - I had the first part of my stress test today at the Cardiologist office and tomorrow will have the exercise part with the dye in my veins. In three days I go to the pulminary doctor and next week is the Vascular Surgeon..... it will only be a little over two weeks now until my lap gastric bypass. I danced the chicken dance at my niece's wedding two nights ago and fell out on the dance floor, the groom helped me up and then I immediately lost my balance and fell again!! The tops of my legs are so sore from trying to pull all this weight up off the dance floor.... how embarrassing. Hopefully, this time next year I won't be falling around on the floor so much from the weight!!

6 Oct 06 - Two weeks from tonight I will be in the hospital and have had my surgery that day!! I feel I am mentally prepared.... but we will just see how I am feeling about a day or two before! LOL!!

8 Oct 06 - I picked up the Magnisium Citrate from the pharmacy today to drink the night before my surgery. My Mom said it will make me feel awful.



26 Oct 06 - I had my lap gastric bypass on Friday, 20 Oct 06, what a great experience!  After staying four days in the hospital, I came home on Monday, 23 Oct 06.   I am doing fine and just have slight pain.  The visiting home nurse took my drain tube out of my side, today.... it feels much better now.   I can tell I have already lost some weight!! YAY~~~

17 Nov 06 - Well, I am still doing great!!  I went back to work two weeks ago and not feeling a bit tired!   In three days it will have been a month since my surgery!  I have lost 35 lbs so far, which is a miracle!   This is a life that I can deal with ....... so far it has been remarkably easy!!   I would never have dreamed it would have all gone so smoothly. God is Great!!

All my updates

Oct 17, 2006

12 Jul 06 - Have an appointment with Dr. Shina on Aug 15th for my first consultation reference pursuing a laproscopic gastric bypass.

16 Aug 06 - I had my first consultation with Dr. Shina. My husband went with me and he said that I seemed to be a good candidate for the lap gastric bypass. He said I should be approved and ready for surgery by the holidays. (I sure hope so, I am ready now!!!)

About Me
Brandenburg, KY
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2006
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 9
11 Sep 08 - I'm up about 10 lbs!! Boo-hoo!!
My Gall Bladder is out!!
My precious father passed away.
Best Easter!
I'm under 200 lbs!!
New Year and feeling great!
More info
All my updates
