Carol F. 22 years, 6 months ago

Dear Kris, Girl,your day has come,Praise the Lord!You are in the best of hands!!Lots of deep breaths and walking to get the kinks out.I will be calling on thursday afternoon to see how you are doing.Lots of hugs and a speedy recovery.Welcome to the other side you sure worked hard to get there!! LOVE, Carol

Melissa A. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kris, I am so excited for you!!!! I hope everything goes super smooth tomorrow morning. Don't forget that you need your rest after surgery. With as busy a person you are, you might have problems with that. But you must take it easy and let your body heal. Hugs!!

Holly H. 22 years, 6 months ago

Just got off the phone with Kris. She is sooo excited. Surgery is set for 7:30 Wednesday morning so please keep Kris in your thoughts and prayers. From North Pole........

kjfrozen 22 years, 6 months ago

Hello! Just an update... and it really is from me! I am enjoying the sunny weather and I have made it through all my preop testing. I thoroughly like the doctor, he was patient, not condescending, not judgemental or anything... my experience with him has been the best of any doc I have met so far (Bariatric surgeon). That's probably a good thing, since he will be doing my surgery at 7:30am tomorrow morning! (Barring any earthquakes or phone calls!). As far as preop testing goes... the Upper GI was the hardest... which says a lot since I have a phobia of needles and it took a couple tries to get the blood test and then I also had to have a blood gas. I would go through either one of those again, if I could skip another upper GI! <p> Anyway... just wanted to say thanks to all those who have supported and encouraged me through all my ups and downs (and surgery cancellation)... I have the "green" light for tomorrow... everything has been done and reviewed! I have to be at the hospital at 5:15am! [groan]. Hugs to all!

Maryellen W. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kris: Well, tomorrow's your big day! Hope all goes well and you are soon on your way to a happier, healthier life!

Gail J. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kris, My thoughts are with you. You will come through this just fine. Hey, remember ... you were supposed to be before me and here I am 2 months post! Listen to those tapes ... they do help! See you soon (and lighter). Hugs, Gail

Holly H. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kris; Your day has come, it’s finally here<p> I wish you luck, my sister dear<p> So many times you could have quit<p> And said enough, that this is it<p> But not you Kris, you are too strong<p> You just had to leave us to get along<p> So out of state you had to travel<p> To find paved roads without the gravel<p> And now my dear your turn is here<p> Let’s raise our glass and shout a cheer<p> For Kris is crossing to the other side<p> May God watch over your stubborn hide. <p> May God be with you and your Doctor on this wonderful journey. Have a speedy and uneventful trip and come back to us soon.

CHERYL S. 22 years, 6 months ago

HELLO KRIS! I just wanted to stop by and wish you well on your upcoming journey. You will do great Girl! Lots of love and prayers sent your way! I hope your recovery is easy and swift!*Bigmamafox*

Mary H. 22 years, 6 months ago

kris prayers out for you to have a safe surgery and a speedy recovery mary hughes

Dawn R. 22 years, 6 months ago

***********ANGEL REPORTING********* Well, our girl is in California preparing for her exciting journey into the "Loser's World". Kris, thank you for giving me a little more time to lose weight before you embark on your own weight loss, but I'm afraid after the first month you will surpass me and be looking and feeling wonderful!!! I know you will do fantastic. Everyone, please post to Kris with well wishes. She has been there for many in the past and she continues to support so many. Let's tell her how much her blessings have encouraged us by responding in kind during her moments. God Bless, Kris, and talk to you later. ((((Hugs))))
About Me
North Pole, AK
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2001
Member Since
