Kim M.
I have been heavy most of my life. I was an overweight child and I got picked on alot. Being picked on by other children drove me to eat. By the time I was 13, I weighed 180 lbs. and I was only 5 foot 2 inches tall. I wore a size 16 and I felt miserable. I started to lose weight after that. In the summer between 8th and 9th grade, I lost 50 lbs. I kept the stayed the same weight for a while and one day I realized I had lost 10 lbs. I was about 16 then. I was 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighed 120. I was thin and couldn't really accept it because in my mind I was fat still. I kept the weight off until I was 19 years old. I was thin for 5 years. At 19, I began to gain weight. In one year I gained about 90 lbs. I got up to 210 and I felt very bad. I just felt drained all the time. So I decided it was time to do something different. I started dieting and excercising almost daily. At about 200 lbs I switched from a 1200 calorie a day diet to Atkin's diet. I eventually got down to 170 and I hit a major plateau that I just couldn't break. I eventually gave up. After a few months, I started to put on weight again. I then went to my doctor and was referred out to a dietician. I went to the dietician for about a year and a half and still couldn't break 170. So I gave up on her too. I again started to gain after a couple of months and this time when I went to the doctor, I asked him for diet pills. He reluctantly prescribed them to me and I started those. After about 3 or 4 months, I only had about a 10 lb weight loss so I gave up on those. I then let some time go by and I again gained weight. This time more quickly. After a while, I was up over 200 lbs again. This time I went to Weight Watchers. I did weight watchers for about 6 months. I didn't really lose any weight. (There were numerous other home diets that went on in between times of me reaching out for outside help). I gave up on that too. Now I am 225 and a member at a gym that I don't go to. I'm tired all of the time. I've had reproductive problems. I also have plantar faciitis and heel spurs in both feet. Oh yeah, I also have some insulin resistance. I am at a point that I am fed up with doing it my way and I feel it is high time I surrender to someone else's. For me gastic bypass is the best option.
About Me
Before & After
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