Another goal achieved!

Apr 07, 2012

Since February, I have been stuck on a plateau, struggling to lose every ounce I could. Only 20 lbs from goal and it seemed like the scale wouldn't budge. I increased the time & intensity of my workouts, adding in another day at the gym and still doing my daily routine at home before work. Little by little, I went from 156lbs to 146. YAY!!! 10 lbs down in about 9 weeks. Not my best work, but I'll take it. I started a 5 Day Pouch Test yesterday and have dropped another 2 lbs. I have now officially lost 100 lbs from my top weight.

I know this is something I could not have done without using my "tool" properly. There is no doubt in my mind that along with the WLS, there MUST be Dedication, Determination, and Commitment. Like any tool in the shed, it won't do the job unless you are in control it it.

Next stop...who knows??? I am capable of almost anything!

Christmas Surprise

Dec 23, 2011

Found out today that my sister is in town and at my mother's. She called to say they weren't leaving until Monday and hated that this changed my plans to have Mom over for Christmas dinner and to see her great-grandchildren open gifts. Shocked the hell out of her when I said there was no reason why they (she & hubby) couldn't come over and bring Mom. She stumbled over her answer and couldn't get out of it. Oh dear Lord, we have a long history...

Anyway, the day after Thanksgiving was the 1st time I had seen my sister since well before my WLS. She was very obvious about not having our picture taken together then. I want to get a few generational pics taken on Christmas Day. Mom is 81 and getting frail. Don't know how much longer we'll have her. Sis can suck it up and play nice. Yeah, so I know I'm devious  

But regardless of my relationship with my sister, I am going to enjoy being with 2 of my 4 grown children and two of my kid-in-laws and 3 of my 7 grandkids. And I will be on the floor playing with the 18 month old and chasing after the 4 yr old and 6 yr old...yep, I'm that kind of grandma. Always have been and I'm good at it. The 4 yr old calls me a genius. Can't argue with that logic

Merry Christmas!

Dec 14, 2011

Making it through the Christmas party season with a game plan can be challenging. Walking around the party looking for something smart to eat helps with the mingling aspect, but all too often, all we find is tempura battered deep fried veggies and cream-of-something-in-a-chafing-dish. Rolls abound and desserts are everywhere! Prior to attending my comany Christmas party, I stopped at a friend's coffee shop and got a special fat-free, sugar-free decaf coffee treat. My friend also added a scoop of protein powder at my request. He has added the protein as a staple to his shop because he knows several wls folks. This helped fill me up while I drove the 30 miles along the island to the party. When I got there, I prowled...hunting for lean meat...always on the hunt to satisfy my lust for a bit like a cave woman.

The fact is, you can attend functions and have a great time without sacrificing everything. I had a blast, mingled with everyone, and ate well. No guilt.

Merry Christmas!


What I did on my vacation

Oct 30, 2011

Back to work after 2 weeks vacation. I love taking time off in the Fall. After working all summer in a beach resort environment, I am always ready to get away from all this and see something different.

The first week was spent painting the living room, cleaning out closets, setting up the guest room, and throwing out useless junk. Why do we keep that stuff around? Taking up precious space and causing frustration.

Last Sunday night, we decided to pack our bags and load the car. We took an impromptu road trip. Stopping at Ft Bragg to see our son-in-law for about an hour. He was at Bragg for 3 days from Germany. Hadn't seen him since November and was he surprised at my weight loss! I now weigh about 17lbs more than he does...he's about 2 iches taller than me and of course he's the one with

After our visit with our SIL, we decided to see where the road would take us. We stopped in Sanford NC for dinner, then off to Pilot Mountain NC. Spent the night in a nasty motel just north of Winston-Salem...not my choice, but my DH was tired of riding and wanted to stop at the 1st place he found. Next morning, we went to Mt Airy, home of all things Andy Griffith and Mayberry. We did the tourist thing and walked all over town. Beautiful weather, cute town, and nice people. Stayed in a nice hotel with a view of Pilot Mountain that night, went hiking on the mountain the next day. The leaf colors were gorgeous, the view breathtaking, and I didn't want to leave. But off to Asheboro we went, stopped for some retail therapy along the way, and enjoyed dinner and a quiet evening there. walked all over the mall after dinner to help work off dinner.

This is the first time I have been confronted with menu issues at restaurants. Having to search for safe items and asking for special preparations. But everyone was very accommodating, some concerned that I wasn't eating everything on my plate and worried that I didn't like the food. I was honest with the waitstaff and told them that I had wls. Everyone I told was supportive, encouraging, and had a friend or family member that had wls and was a success story. It was wonderful to hear THEIR stories.

Looking forward to next year's Fall trip and wondering where I will be in my weight loss journey.


Visit to PCP

Oct 21, 2011

Today I had a follow up appointment with my PCP. Haven't seen her since before my wls. I said "hi" to her when she passed me in the hallway. She didn't acknowledge me an I felt like she had lost her friendly compassionate attitude. When she came into the exam room later, she did a double take and was stunned. She couldn't get over the visible difference. It's great to hear from friends and family, but when your doctor keeps smiling and saying "I just can't get over how good you look!" That makes your day.

The nurses taking my weights and measures thought there was something wrong with the scales. They kept checking and rechecking. They even weighed themselves to make sure it was accurate. It was so funny watching them and their confusion. They finally asked if I had done "something" to lose so much I told them. They were so excited and were telling their other co-workers.

What a fun visit! All my tests are fine, no deficiencies, but the dr wants me to keep an eye on my blood pressure for a while. She was amazed that my sleep apnea is gone, I sleep all night long with no snoring...I have a witness My IBS is gone, having a predictable tummy is wonderful! Nuff said 'bout that... 

2 Months Out and Loving the NSV's

Oct 01, 2011

It's been just a little over 2 months since my wls and I am loving all the NSV's.

1. I am now in a baggy size 14 jeans, need to go buy some 12's..started off in a very snug 20W because I refused to buy a size 22.
2. Wearing an underwire bra that doesn't pinch or poke
3. Bought and am currently wearing a sweater that doesn't have an "X" in the size
4. I CROSSED MY LEGS TODAY!!! and was comfortable
5. I feel healthier and, dare I DH has taken special notice *wink*wink*
6. I can climb stairs easier, still huffing and puffing some, but I don't have to stop half way to rest...and I keep pushing myself because I know its a great workout and doing my heart, legs, and bottom so much good!
7. Its irritating my sister that I am now smaller than her
8. People are noticing the weight loss and commenting
9. I can feel my collar bones...and hipbones when I'm laying down
10. Shaving my legs is so much easier

Oh...I could go on and on...but these are at the top of my current list


Shocking discovery

Sep 11, 2011

I am still mulling this over and over in my head. Friday I took my Mom shopping. While out, I decided to try on some jeans. Mind you, I am 6 1/2 weeks post-op and have seen and felt great differences in my body. But I still have trouble believing. One of my friends at work had given me some size 16 capris that fit and are a little baggy. So I decided to try on some size 16 jeans. In the dressing room, the jeans slid easily up over my thighs, my hips, and buttoned comfortably around my waist. No pinching, no bulges, no gasping for air. I sat down, still comfortable, looked at the woman in the mirror and cried. The other people in the dressing rooms around me must have thought I was crying because I couldn't find anything to fit. I changed back into my baggy capris. Exited the dressing room with tears still on my cheeks. The attendant looked at me with pity and said she understood what it was like to try on things, not to have them fit and could she help me locate a different size. I told her it was just the opposite, after having surgery, I am now down from a size 20-22 to a 16. She said I was lucky. No, this isn't's determination, commitment, and hope. It's not easy but its the best thing I have done for ME.

So I bought the jeans.

1 comment

Surgery Scheduled and I'm a happy girl!

Jul 05, 2011

I had my consultation with the surgeon yesterday and my surgery date is set for Thurs 7/28! I started to say that you just don't know how excited I am...but you do've been here, too! All my labs are done, pre-registered, requested time off from problem there...starting my pre-op diet this Sunday...high protein, low or no carb, then liquids the last 2-3 days before. My mind and heart are in the right place. My dedication to this is beyond strong. My goal is to be the healthiest, strongest me I can be and to be able to enjoy the life God intended for me to have. He created me perfect and I all but destroyed His creation. Life is grand!

Consult Date Set...Next stop O.R.

Jun 15, 2011

Got my last paperwork to my surgeon's office today. Now I have my consultation on 7/19. Can't wait to get my surgery date!

1 comment


May 23, 2011

Hi! I am so new to all this. I found OH while searching for moral support on-line. So glad I found all of you!

I am pre-op and hoping to schedule my RNY the end of July or very early August. My Endoscopy is 6/8/11 and, believe it or not, I'm even excited about that! I get to meet with my surgeon and will be one more step closer.

This is a psychological procedure, as much as it is a physical change. I have silly questions like "What will my face look like when I lose the weight?" "What size shoes will I wear?" "How will I feel getting in and out of my car at a smaller size?" "Will my glasses still fit or will I need new frames?" "Will it take less time to shave my legs and will I be able to do it without being a contortionist?"

I am starting to prepare myself and my wardrobe for the changes that will occur to my body. I am purging my closet of all my winter items because I KNOW I won't be wearing size 20-22 anymore. I am keeping very few select items for the early Fall. I'll be buying a couple packages of smaller underwear...ladies, I've read your WOW moments and the horror stories about losing your panties in Wal-Mart

I would love to have any suggestions, support, encouragement, shared experiences...anything.

Thank you ALL for being here.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 18, 2011
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