Good Bye Old Friend...

Apr 08, 2009

It is amazing how our relationship has grown over the years.  What started out as simple meals together has grown into a dependent, intimate relationship.  You are the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing that passes my lips at night.  All day long we connect, over ice, from a can, straight out of the bottle.  My body longs for you all day.  I love your taste, your smell, the little bubbles that float up to the top to meet me.  Your sweet carbonation and the energizing caffeine you have given me all these years will forever be treasured.  You got me through two kids, a bachelor’s degree, hours at work, and long nights at home alone.  I love you old friend but alas our time together must end.  I have chosen to make some big changes in my life and I the path I have chosen will make me unable to tolerate you.  The bubbles that I love so much will slowly undo all of the effort I am about to make, and that is something I just cannot allow myself to do.  Although I have a few weeks before we must really part, I feel it would be easier to say good bye now and not drag it out longer.  My abrupt departure from you will undoubtedly cause me pain as my body adjusts to life without you.  But I’ll make it through.  It’s time that I take control of my life and my health and as much as I love you, you are no good for me.  It’s time to get serious and make the changes now that will set me up for success.  So, old friend it is time to say good bye.  I will miss you but that will fade in time and in the process I will become strong and energetic on my own. 

Ok, so I know it is a bit dramatic, but I really looooovvvveee Diet Pepsi.  After the support group last night it really hit me that it is time to get serious about preparing for surgery and life after.  Diet Pepsi is the one thing I am sad about having to give up.   I don’t know why I love it as much as I do.  It literally makes me happy.  I know there is something seriously wrong with that statement, but for me it is true.  I have decided to go cold turkey.  I figure the first few days will SUCK!!!! But I can do it.  I am going to for me.  I am going to do it to prove to myself that I can.  I want to be successful after WLS and this is a key part for me.  I looked online and found some tips, which I put below in case anyone else has a similar problem.  I started taking Tylenol for the headaches and I am going to go get some detox tea which I heard can help.  Wish me luck! I’ll keep you posted!


Here are some tips for quitting:

Start on a Friday. It takes anywhere from 4-11 days to be free from caffeine cravings. If you start on a Friday, by the next Monday, you'll be at least 1/3 of the way through.

Drink plenty of water. The faster you cleanse your body of caffeine, the better off you will be. Drinking clean water will purify your blood, help cleanse your liver, and make your body function better. If you want, you can drink some detox tea, but you don't have to. It'll just clean you out a bit faster.

Get the extra sleep that you want and need. Plan ahead and realize that you'll probably need 2-4 more hours of sleep per day while you adjust to a caffeine-free life. You can take it in the form of naps, or just get to bed earlier. But if you don't set aside this time, you will have a very difficult time quitting - you'll be dragging along at 1PM and just NEED a cup of coffee. I know it's difficult, especially with a busy schedule, to find a way to sleep more, but it's an important step.

Get those painkillers ready. Have a headache from withdrawal? Take some ibuprofen or whatever it is that you normally take to get rid of the pain. An ice pack on the forehead or the back of your head can help, too.

Don't be afraid to have some decaf. Yes, there is still caffeine in decaf, but if you need your fix, you might be able to stave off a complete relapse by having a decaf version of your favorite caffeine source.

Discover another energy source. When I'm groggy, I take a quick walk around the block while listening to The Ramones. By the time I'm back at my desk, I'm refreshed and perky. Well, as perky as I get, anyway. An apple is a great replacement for my afternoon coffee.


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Feb 02, 2009
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