Week 6

Oct 14, 2007

It has been a little over 6 wks since I had my panniculectomy. I still have some swelling . The doc informed me that it will take a few months for it to go down. I have already seen results. And I am loving it. I mean clothes are literally falling off. Did somebody say shopping? :) I also still have one annoying drain in that should be coming out tomorrow. I am so ready for it to come out. I know that it is gonna hurt. It's been in there for a while. Tissue is probably growing around it.... Once it is removed, I will come back and let you know how it went. Needless to say, I will be taking some pain pills prior to this appt. And, I  get to go back to work.Now, dont get me wrong. I did enjoy the time off and will probably be wishing that I was off again once being at work for 2wks if it even takes that long. It was just hard for me being that I am alot more active these days. My instructions were to stay at home and watch some movies. Which can be oh so boring after a while. But, about 2 wks ago he told me that I could pick up my activity. So ya know that I was living in the streets. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I get my walking papers to return to normal life this week. I am tired of wash ups, and sponge baths. I need a real bath and real shower. I'll probably be in there for at least an hour. I'll try and post a lil something to let you all know what happened at the docs office.

2 Yrs and counting

Sep 24, 2007

It has been 2 yrs since I went through this wonderful transformation in life. I may not be exactly where I want to be but, I am no where even close to where I was. I have however lost a lil over half of myself and these last 50lbs are not even looking like they are trying to move. But inch wise I am still decreasing. I started initially about 440lbs. Now, I am about 245ish. I'm still amazed at how many things I can do. I stii laugh and smile on the inside when I can do things that I could not do before. And to top it off, I have now gone through with my first plastic surgery procedure. Yay!!!!!! My surgeon is the best.My suture line is beautiful. I've had no keloiding at all. If I had to do it all overe again, there would be no hesitation on m y behalf at all. I'd do it all over aginin a heart beat. Yes, I have my days when I feel down in the dumps. And then I have my days when I question why can't I just lose the rest of the weight. And my days when I still feel like I did when I first started this journey. But, you know what? I've had more better days than not. And ya know something else......It is normal to have those moments and it is ok to feel frustrated. Just remember to move on after your vent or do like I do and go to the gym aand take out all of your frustrations there. It really helps.I think that now I am ready to get into the aerobic class at the gym. Well, as soon as I get my doctors clearance. Now, at least I no longer have to hear my stomach flapping up and down. :) For those of us futher out on our journey...I know it is hard to sometimes come back and keep up our journal. But, you never know who you are inspiring and helping out along the way. I for one remember  when I first found this site. I would read profiles for hours and I still keep in contact with some of those people to this day. Just because some things seem insignificant to us (being a lil futher out). It could possibly be the world to someone else. And to the newbies, if you have some fears.It is normal. If you have questions ask. Just remember everyones story will be different than yours. Be blessed....XOXO

Almost 2 wks Post Op

Sep 16, 2007

Wow time flies when you are having fun. This whole process has been great. I still really have not had any pain. For the exception when I do not follow the doctors orders. When I had the bypass surgery they want us to walk. Withthis surgery, the doctor has advised me he just basically wants me to sit around and be cute. So, I have taken it upon myself to go walk around the dang on mall. I did not think much about it. Thought it would help. But, ummm it really has not. I was in some pain that evening. Although I was walking slowly and all. So, when I went to see the doctor on friday he was like hmmmm you are still having alot of output from your drains. So he said in his nice doctorly voice , to go some where and sit my happy tail down. So with that said, my car keys have been taken and I am at home. My friends refuse to come and get me too. Hmph. But, it is for my own good. I am so use to being active that it is hard for me to sit around and do nothing. I do not do this well. So I have to find things to do at home now. My sil anad bro went and got me all kinds of movies to watch. I love movies, so that should occupy me for a while. Daytime TV is a joke. I do not see how people do it. How many judge shows can there possibly be? lol.  Oh and I just added some more pics too. I have been in the pics taking mood. So I am sure there willmore pics to follow soon as I start healing. I can't wait for this swelling to go down down to see the final result from this surgery. I'll keep you all updated on my progress. Take care be good, and remember the rules.

3Days Post Op

Sep 07, 2007

I have made it again successfully through surgery. I think the anticipation of the surgery was the biggest struggle. I rememeber when I first woke up from surgery, my first reaction was they did not do it. I am not sore. I do not feel any different. Then when I tried to cross my legas at the ankles and felt the  pressure cuffs inflating I knew..This time around the cuffs came up to mid thigh. The surgery took about 4-4:30hrs. I knew we were gonna have a problem with the IC. I have very difficult veins. So that took 4 trys with 3 different nurses. And after all of that . The very next day they had to move it... The nursing staff at TMH was great. They were sure to take care of me. The surgeon also did an awesome job. I had my first peek at my suture line yesterday and it looks amazing. No leaking, redness from irritation  or anyrhing.  The surgeon came in and saw me the same evening of the surgery to check on me. He was also there to see me the next morning and evening as well. He came by and saw me alot. So, I really appreciated that alot. Even know I have not taken any pain medication. I guess my pain tolerance is pretty good. So, now I am going throu the healing process of it all. I have a follow up appy with the doc on monday. Also at this appt I will find out the measurements of the skin that will be taken off and how much it weighed. I am already enjoying the results that I can see.....I can see it through the swolleness and everythang. Good well done and I am very happy at the results.

It has been How long?

Aug 29, 2007

Wow, I had not realized that it had been this long since I have been on here.There has been so much going on. From my best friends daughters wedding, to my family reunion, to me getting ready for my surgery.And then just me being grown and sexy. lol. I have been coming and going so much lately. I just got back from a pool party in Vegas, that I must admit that I had a blast at. There were about 20 ppl. And I partied like a rock star. Sleep, what was that? I did not really do that until I came home. Just look at a few of the new pics and you can see some of the changes.  My surgery is in 5 days from now. I am so excited about it. But then again I am kinda like ok......So, how much pain am I gonna be in? I mean the surgeon has already given me all of my scrips so I will not have to stop any where onmy way home from the hospital. The sureon asked me what I normally take for pain, and I told him it was usually motrin 600 or something like that. Then he turns around and writes me an rx for percocet...Now, you see why I am worried? lol..However I am assured that it will not be too bad. I do pretty good with psin. It  is just more of a discomfort for me . I'll have to cone back and let you know how that goes after the surgery. And I have to get my tummy pics before and after too.I am just curious to see how many inches this will remove from my waist line.The only thing I need to do right now is to make sure that my room is in order prior to surgery. I have cleaned everything else..The doctor basically told me that I neede to sit around and wath movies all day. He does not want me moving around alot. He says the more movement the longer I will have the drain tubes in. And lawd knows I do not want those things in for too long. He is talking 2-3wks. I can not even do my thing on the treadmill. So here I go again no excercise for 6wks.Ohh well the price we pay for beautification. I'll try and get on here again before mysurgery for all the stuff that I know that I left out. You guys be good. Ciao.

2 Months to go

Jul 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!! First off, I  would like to say thank you for those who took the time to come and leave some kind words of encouragement to me. You know sometimes we just go through stuff and have our days. Well, that was one of mine. For the most of the days, they have been good. I just kinda got myself in funk. I was not happy with the way things were progressing for me. So, I made some changes which were well needed. I am happy to announce that I have lost 15lbs since my last post. Yeah me. I found out that yes, my tool is still working. If I work it... I had not been getting in enough protein. I'll tell you what I had been doing. Since I can not longer eat as much, I found myself eating all the bad, quick , easy to grab things first and protein last instead of the other way around.By the time I got to the protein, I was full, so there really was no room for protein. That was one of my major probles. 2nd I was eating bread and pasta just because. 3rd some nights I stay up late and I was late night eating. So, you combine the 3 and that is what happened. Also my new job which I am loving is a trip. I work with the hollywood type people now and they are so weight conscienous (sp) that it is insane. When they are complaining about being fat at 126 pounds because they use to weigh 111. Enough of that in agiven day is insane to me. Knowing that they do not know that I use to weigh well over 400lbs. I am going to keep up the regiem that I have been on lately to see if I can drop at least 20 more before surgery which is in sept. I'd say 30-40 but if it does not happen, it is not the end of the world. I hope that they take off at least 20lbs of stomach . But, I know that I do not have that much weight around that area. Just wishful thinking. I still am about 50lbs from goal. But each week I look forward to getting there slowly but surely. Today marks my surgery date 2months to the day that I will finally get this annoying hangin' flesh skirt cut  off. Man, I can't wait. It's been with me for so long that I can not even imagine(ok maybe I can) what it will be like without it. I have halted on the clothes buying. I am waiting to see this new transformation before I buy my next item. I think it will probably bring me down another size because the pouch gets in the way. But, I will not know for sure until after I have this done. So until next time, you guys have a safe and happy 4th. And thanks again for stopping in and showing me some love when I was down. It was much appreciated. 

Just thinking

Jun 13, 2007

As I am sitting here, I have started thinking about all of the things that I said that I would neva eva do once I had surgery. And I guess that some old habits die hard. Even though I am still working out , I find myself  eating a little of this or a pinch of that. I do not like the pattern that I have allowewd myself to get into. Oh yeah another thing is eating late at night when I am off the following day.  However I may beat myself up, at least I have the courage to admit it to myself. So, I am going back to basics for a while and see what happens. I look to the left and see all of the changes and progress of all of my friends on here have made, and I wonder to myself. What happened to my own changes? Do I look any differnt in this pic as oppossed to my last one? I am always wondering, and thinking. I still sometimes see myself like I was when I weighed well over 400lbs. I know there have been physical changes. I can feel the difference in my walk, my excercise routines, just my life in general. Sometimes it hard for me to grasp the concept of who people see me to be. When I whip out some of my older pics, people who did not know me prior to surgery ask e who is she? They do not recogonize the person in the picture to be me. Sometimes, I just feel like, I don't know how to explain it. I am ever greatful for this surgery but, I have to ask myself did I or am I doing what I should be doing? I have not been so good with my protein intake lately at all. I just recieved my protein today, I am gonna do the shakes for a while ans substitute some of these meals that I am having. I've gotta put it all back in perspective. I think it is going to my head....Something I never thought would happen. Sorry for not being my normal self today. I just had to vent a little bit. I'll be back to myself by the next time I post. Until then you all be blessed.


May 03, 2007

All went as I thought that is should. My surgery for my paniculectomy has ben scheduled. I will be having this procedure  done on Sept 4th at 7:30am. I will be the first surgery that morning. Just like I was when I had my RNY.Now I will have another reason to celebrate in Sept. My bday is just 6 days after the surgery , and mt 2 yr post op surgerversary is a few days after that. I am so excited, I am just unsure at this time if I will have to do any fasting on anything like that for this surgery. Oh yeah and my pre-op appt with the surgeon is for Aug 20th. So, here I am at another cross road. One of which I was not sure if it was gonna come or not. But, so blessed and pleased that this too shall come to pass. So that is all that I have for  right now. So be good to yourself and so not beat yourself up too bad.

New Beginning

Apr 25, 2007

I see that it has been a minute since I have written in my journal. There have been some changes since my last update. First, I have now started my new job. Things there are going great so far. I have learned alot and I know that there is much more to learn. The co-workers there are pretty cool. Very helpful with my questions. I have my handy dandy note book so I can reference back to if there is a need to. My hours are great, my off days I can not complaine about. I only work 4 days a week=10hr days. I've always wanted this schedule. Just when I am like come on friday I am off.Secondly, I finally went to my consultation with the plastic surgeon for my panniculectomy. Now all I have to wait for is the approval for the surgery which will be submitted tomorrow.  The surgeon assured me that since the first referral was approved there is no reason for this one not to be. So , after that I will have to see him again so that we can get measurements and pics and who knows what else. The only part that made me uncomfortable was when I had to undress and let him pull and manipulate my stomach. Because there was an assistant in the room at this time since I was darn near nekked. :) Which I know is standard protocal when there is a male physician and the patient had to undress. That was the most embarassing for me. Hell, I know I h ave a big ole' apron and all. I just kinda forgot about the assistant part. However I got through it and once we all started talking it was not that bad. The other good news is that they do accept cobra as well as the new insurance(bcbs) I will soon have through my new job.I am going to see if I can get the referral through them too. I'll have to let you know how all of that will turn out within the next few weeks. They have not given me a tenative date yet but they are thinking some time arounf end of july or early aug. Which will be fine with mem that way my short term disability and all will be in full affect by then. And the cool part about this is my PCP who refered when I had GBS is now going to be my PCP again (she left the medical group before I did) Now ironically she is going to be my Dr. once again... Yes, we are both empoyed once again by the same company. Isnt that pretty cool? Thirdly, I am still dating up a storm. Well, at leat I try and only date one person at a time. Cuts down on the confusion. I still admire the attention. Just sometimes these men can be a mess. It's a whole new world I tell you. I would have never thought that it would be like this. My new friend tells me that it will only get worse as I work deligently towards my goal weight. He has even offered to come and work out with me when he is not working. He says that he wants to stick around to see me reach goal. He wants to be my trainer when I am not working with my trainer. I do not know if that is a good or a bad thing. :) Boot camp x2...Not sure how I am gonna handle that. This shall be very interesting to say the least. I'll have to keep you posted on that too. I'm also still int the wateraerobics class. That is going great... Now if only I can convince myself to get on these darn skates, I will be great. :) Have a good one.

Boot Camp Training

Mar 27, 2007

I just wanted to let you guys know how my training sessions have been. In a few words, I swear I feel like I am boot camp. Just gotta love the trainer for doing his job. Last week my legs felt as if they were gonna come off where I standing. They were shakey and rubberband like. Needless to say I felt great after wards. I even went back on saturday and sunday although my legs were killing me. Recently I have been working out 5days a week again, which is a huge improvement considering excercise had damned near bacome none at all. Sometimes it is just easier to just sit back and want to blame others for our own issues which we cause on our own. At least that has been that way with me as far as me not getting my work outs in like I should. Ultimately it was me standing in the way of me. I'm just glad that I recognized the problem and got myself back on the road in the right decision. I've made the consceince decision to make a life long committment, not a right now committment. ~sigh~ Better late than never right?

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2005
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