
Apr 29, 2009

Well, I attended the weight loss seminar in Nashville last night. I was very impressed with the amount of information that is presented. One of the surgeons speaks for about an hour and then takes your questions and will also speak to you personally if needed. Then there is another 45 min session explaining what to expect after surgery. This was very informative! Some of the staff there has actually had the surgery and made me feel much better about being there. They were very knowledgable and also experienced with the surgery.

I've made my decision to have surgery and I've chosen which surgery I would like to have (after doing a lot of research and then attending the seminar). I'm want to have the DS.

I'm already doing weight watchers and will continue to do that until surgery and then I will follow the diet they have for me afterward. I'm going to start exercising daily to help with the skin elasticity as well. I know I won't be able to do much at first but I'm going to put forth an effort to get some kind of exercise in daily. Wish me luck!

I'm very excited about this for the first time in my life. I've always been skeptical and scared of this kind of procedure but I have to say after attending the seminar, I feel much more at ease with my concerns.

Thanks for listening.....Lisa

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About Me
Cookeville, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 25, 2009
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