Heres Hoping

Apr 15, 2010

So I finally talked with Dr. Chae's office and With Dr. Chae himself. And we are officially waiting for the insurance. Who knows how long that will take. I've been so irritable these past couple weeks I just want the approval to come through and I will feel a whole lot better. I have this bad feeling that they will come back denying me saying I need to do more stuff like supervised diet or more medical history. I guess if they do I will just do what they ask and resubmit. I am not giving up without a fight because I know they cover it there are no exclusions on my insurance this time. I have come to the realization that the insurance companies or even corporations will pretty much do anything to not pay for WLS. They have all these pre requirements that I believe are in place just to make getting approved difficult. Anyway like I said I'm kinda bitchy lately.

I'm going to refocus my obsessive energy to finding a new place to live, I'm so tired of being in limbo.
Cheers and have a good night all.
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Why I eat

Apr 14, 2010

I was reading some blogs and forum posts and it got me thinking about why I eat. I always thought it was because I was hungry and food tastes good. I never ran to the fridge when I was upset I don't eat late at night I don't consider myself an emotional eater. I might joke with hubby from time to time about how I need ice cream because I had a rough day, well lets face it I also need ice cream because I had a great day. lol I guess I just don't see why every obese person out there has to have an emotional type eating problem. I know I over eat and i know I make bad food choices but not because I'm sad or angry or even happy I just like the way it tastes.

As much as I love sweets and junk food I also LOVE healthy foods. Granola, yogurt, salad, Fish, Soy.  I really do love it all. I'll even take an unsweet Iced tea with a lemon slice over a coke any day. SOOo why am I soo fat because I love it all too much. That is my eating problem. I eat too much and all the time.  

My point to this pointless long blog is that I don't believe that most obese people have emotional issues with food just some. Maybe after surgery I will have an emotional issue with not being able to eat like I do now but I will conquer that mountain when I get to it. I have a huge supporting family and friends so I know I will get through it. I know that I have to change what and how much I eat if I want to live a long happy healthy life. I just wish i figured that out when I was young enough and still able to get the weight off on my own.


The wait is so hard!

Apr 12, 2010

It's 4:40am and I am wide awake. I'm so tired but I have some serious heartburn. Probably all the stress of waiting. I cant believe this is taking so long. I think that once I have a surgery date I will be fine I just need to know that there will be no more hoops to jump through. I'm calling my surgeons office today to make sure they sent in my chart. I may then call my insurance to make sure they received it and then ask how long Ill have to wait to get a response. I just want to get approved then its all cake from there. I don't mean it will be easy but for me that is my biggest obstacle.


Apr 07, 2010

Ive been waiting for 2 weeks since I talked to Pam at Dr. Chae's office that I had enough and emailed them yesterday. Today I get a call and they don't even remember talking to me and they still haven't sent my stuff to the insurance company. I Had my consult Jan. 28th and I wasn't able to get in to the nutrition class until March 21st and Now its April 7th and I feel like I'm the only one doing anything. I know my insurance covers WLS I just need the Dr. to submit for approval then we can get things scheduled. 

It makes me wonder if I made a mistake on choosing Dr Chae. I'm sure its not his fault but His staff is not on the ball. All I can think is that I'm going to go through all of this and for some reason Ill be denied by either the insurance or the hospital because my insurance doesn't cover 100% and they'll want the rest before the surgery. 

Why does this have to be soo hard?

So I decided to email them one more time expressing my concern and giving them all the dates so that they can see that I've been dealing with them for months and they have done nothing. We will see if that helps at least maybe me bitching to them will make them remember me.

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About Me
Aurora, CO
Surgery Date
Apr 05, 2010
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