post year check in

Aug 10, 2012

hi all its been a long long time. i am happy to say i have been successful with my weight loss. To date I weigh in at 158a loss of 122pds. I wear size 6-8 and med shirt. The extra skin bothers me along with my deflated breast but i love this side much better. My health is great and i am able to keep up with my kids. Don't regret my choice. I will try to post a pic and keep in touch more.

Surgery done now thee hard work begins

Apr 22, 2011

Hello every my surgery was successfully completed on 4-18 by Dr. elmer Valin.

Count Down Time

Apr 14, 2011

Hi guys, It's been a while since I have written anything. Getting right to the point. I am having my sugery on Monday 4/18 and a little nervous. To my suprise my Boss decided to share my news of going out for sugery at a staff meeting. I guess she thought that was staff news. No eveyone keep asking me "why are you going out" of course I choose not to disclose, but now i know they will be watching.  Well what ever the more eyes the more i need to keep it together on the righ track. I have my little overnight bag and expected to stay in the hospital a few days

I got a date

Feb 17, 2011

Met with Dr. V today and good to know i lost another three pounds. I now weigh in at 272. My goal weight is 160-170. April 18th, 2011 is my surgery date. I was told i will be in the hospital 3-4days depending on my progress. Dr. V says with the revision's he is much more conservative and keeps a close watch. I will need to get another endoscopy (sucks) but he wants to make sure the band isn't eroded. If all is good. i good to go. If it look like anything else. He would need to do the surgery in 2 parts. 1st remove the band and allow my stomach to heal. The gastric bypass would be another. Well I'll keep you posted on my progress. Later

Let the Party Begin

Feb 17, 2011

Hi All

Well I'm back and with good news. Feb 2, 11 visit to the MD showed 1pd loss. OK not much but lets celebrate any loss.      Although hopeful i would reach my previous stated goal I became realistic and moved forward with the revision requirements (psych eval and nutrition assessment). I got a call from my Md's office today and my revision was approved.        Now i have to meet with him later today at 2pm for a consult and select a date.   It's really happening and now I'm starting to feel excited. I really get a second chance. I am so grateful to you GOD you are the reason for all the wonderful things that are manifesting in my life. A new journey is beginning for me and I'm up for the ride. So my OH friends come take this journey with me and party on people. Lets loose this weight.


Getting to know my band again

Jan 06, 2011

Today I went to the MD and discovered that my BP was within normal  range and i lost 10pds within the last month . Yeah me. Reality is i didn't work at it i just listened to my band when i was full and didn't try to push it. (push more food in my mouth). So I'm thinking if i really work this i might just be able to turn things around. My MD made me feel good as i didn't have to hear grief about gaining and not doing the right thing.  It is 6months until my 6th yr band  anniversary. My new goal is to loose a min of 50pds by then to determine whether i will have a revision or allow the band to work or shall i say work my band. So that's about 8pds a month. My mini goal goal for the next quarter is to loose 10 % of my current weight and work out a min of 3xW. Lets go Ladychuggs. I know i can do it. Here I go

About Me
Dec 22, 2010
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