1 Year Surgery Anniversary!

Feb 08, 2011

January 19th, 2011 was my 1 year ann. for my surgery. In one year I've lost 156lbs and weigh 156lbs. It's truly amazing. I weigh about the same amount as I've lost. I never in my life thought I'd be literally half the person I used to be. People call me skinny! I've never heard that before! I never even imagined being called skinny.. I dreamed about it, but now it's true! I went from a snug size 24 to a size 11! I can even wear a size 9 in dresses! And, I'm 5'9! My mother blessed me with hips to bare children (Yay for me..) and my bones adjusted to carry a larger person so they stick out. Yes, they stick out.. I have hip bones and a collar bone and ribs! I didn't know they were there! I always thought they were a myth. I feel great. I can definitely tell the difference in the things I eat. If I eat well, I feel good. If I eat kinda crappy, I feel like crap. I stay away from breads, milk (I have very small glasses. At first it made me sick and mucus-y. It was gross), fried foods, super fatty or oily foods, I'm scarce on meats. They tend to be harder to digest. You just have to be careful trying new things. I love the fact that I eat to taste and live, rather than live to eat. I'm more active. I can do more things. I'm more confident in myself. I can finally do things with my boyfriend that I wouldn't dare do a year ago. Like we're going snowboarding this weekend! And we've been ice skating! I'm going to start practicing for roller derby. I'm rambling now. It's just so exciting. It's like I have this whole new outlook on life. I'm more excited to do things and try new things. I'm hoping my next big event will be a wedding.  Kevin and I have been together for almost 5 years. I guess we will see!  

Overall the year has been pretty smooth sailing. I've had a few spells, but live and learn! You start to make mental notes on what works and what doesn't. I ended up avoiding certain foods without even realizing it. Or learning to recognize that feeling when you've had enough. I don't really crave fast food or deep fried foods. I know they hurt, so why would I want them? They're bad for me anyways! I find myself craving fruits and veggies. I cook healthier and eat healthier. And I love to cook and bake! Yes, bake. I still have a sweet tooth, but I know not to over indulge. I just want to taste it. I don't feel like I need to eat half a dozen cookies at once. It's not only a huge physically change, but a huge mental change. You're whole way of thinking is completely different. I guess one of the biggest pieces of advice I would give to someone looking into the surgery or just starting out is remember who you are. Remember where you came from. I've been blessed with an amazing family and friends. They're the greatest support system anyone could ask for. Just never forget who you are. I can't stress that enough.  Love yourself no matter what!


About Me
Plymouth, MN
Feb 08, 2011
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