I can see some changes...

Dec 27, 2008

My mom gave me some pants in size 18 & 20, guess what, the 20's fit, the only problem is she is shorter than me so they are not going to work for me!  I used a Christmas gift and bought two pairs of pants and a blazer in a size 20 to go back to work in on January 5. 

I am starting to have some problems with what goes in my mouth since I am feeling so well.  I was supposed to wait until Monday to start soft foods but have kind of pushed that envelope too far.  I had some of a baked potato for Christmas dinner and even braved a bite of a bbq rib without any bad effects.

The only bad thing is I have an awful sore throat/cold symptoms.  Nothing from surgery, but the coughing is not good.  There is one incision where the doctor said the staples went in that is more sore than the others. 

I have not had any of the diabetes medicine since I came home from the hospital.  My 14-day blood sugar average is 107. Can't help it, I feel so lucky!!!
1 comment

I am now Post-RNY

Dec 17, 2008

Hi,  I just wanted to let everyone know that I am now "post-surgery".  There is lots to learn.  Day 2, I did think, what have I done.  It seems to be getting easier.  I am frustrated because I don't have enough strength in my hands to open a bottle this morning, but that is my worst complaint.

Almost there!

Dec 13, 2008

Today is the final day of the pre-op liquid diet!  I want to make cookies and chex-mix for my family, however, I am afraid I will accidently sample something while I am making them.  I don't want to do anything which jeporadizes this surgery's success!

I keep going over the list and everything for surgery is good to go.  Christmas is another story.  I will have something to think about after surgery!  I probably should work on shopping and wrapping today!

I can't wait to look back on this and think, "that wasn't too bad".  Right now, I am very anxious.

Day 5 of Liquid Diet

Dec 08, 2008

It is the start of day 5 on the liquid diet.  Yesterday was my last day at work because I have to do finish my coursework by Friday!  I was told several times, "you can change your mind, we will still love you", by my close friends.  My husband said "it's your decision" & "how are you going to take all those pills after your surgery?",   I must admit, I am nervous.  I started researching this in 2003.  I hope I am making the right decision.

First day of liquid diet

Dec 05, 2008

Today is the first day of my liquid diet.  So far, so good.  Right now I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight.  The smells are making my stomach growl!

I was afraid they would take my sugar-free jello away from me in security.  That's what I plan on having when they offer food on the flight.  My expense account has one diet coke to show so far for day.  I paid 57 cents for a cup of hot water.  I am a big spender!

It's Official

Dec 02, 2008

Monday, December 1, was yet another milestone.  It snowed for the first time! 

Plus, I received the official cleared signal from my PCP just as I was getting ready to take off for Las Vegas for a work conference.  Something with my EKG had required more tests last week.  I was so worried this was not going to happen.  Now== This means Friday, I start my 10-day liquid diet in preparation for surgery on December 15.  I am starting to believe this is really going to happen.

I am on my farewell tour--had a Margarita with chips and salsa :)  Now I am  wondering how my plan is going to come together.  I don't know how I will do all my homework, buy and wrap Christmas, plus work duties during the next two weeks.  

One step closer

Nov 25, 2008

November 25th was another milestone in my journey for a healthier life.  I did my pre-op testing at St. Alexius.  For the most part it went smoothly.  I think there may have been a disconnect between the doctors and the hospital.  They were running behind.  I was supposed to be at the nutrition class in a different location at 1:30 p.m.  Instead, I was just starting my interview with the nurse and the anesthesia doctor at that time.  I walked into the nutrition class late  I hate that!

The only glitch with the surgery that I know of could be the anesthesia doctor did not like my EKG and wants it "read".  I told him I had already had a stress test so they were trying to get those records too.

The great part of the day was connecting with other folks who are Dr. Wagner's patients.  Out of five people attending the nutrition class, it ended up that four of us live/work closely enough we hope to form a support network.  I felt blessed to connect with John and his wife, Linda.  John is having surgery on December 1.  He tried to convince me the liquid diet is easy!  John & Linda are also excellent navigators and helped me get from the nutrition class to Dr. Wagner's office and on the right road home.  To say they made my day go easy is an understatement.  Don't you love it when a plan comes together?  I just want to be sure this is God's plan for Lisa instead of Lisa's plan.

Support Group Meeting

Nov 14, 2008

I went to my first WLS support group meeting at the Heartland Hospital in Marion last night.  They meet on the the second Thursday of each month at 6 PM.  There was some discussion about forming an alliance with Dr. Argotte's practice who is expanding his practice from Paducah, KY to Herrin, IL.There were lots of folks excited about that! Currently, there are no arrangements for meeting space at Heartland after December.  The goal is to combine efforts with Dr. Argotte to offer expanded support efforts.  To be honest, I thought the regulars were very open and sharing with their information.  I think Dr. Argotte would be the one benefiting from their expertise and enthusiasm.

I am so excited to know that there is a group of about 40 people already in existence to help map out how this works.  There was even a gal there who graduated from the same high school I did .  I am lucky to have a former co-worker who is working on scheduling surgery for this same time period.  We were laughing about walking the hospital hallways with our IV poles after surgery together.

Three weeks from today is when I should start my liquid pre-op diet.  I hope those days go as quickly as the past week seems to have.

I'm Approved

Nov 07, 2008

It's official, I've been approved.  My pre-op tests are scheduled for November 25.  Surgery is December 15!  I received the call this afternoon.  I am pleased to say the attention to detail paid off.  I can't take the credit for that, it was Dr. Wagner's staff that did that

Time marches slowly

Oct 30, 2008

Time moves slowly.  It took until October 30 for my PCP to send Dr. Wagner's office the needed letter of support.  Now I am officially waiting for BCBS.

I have found a support group that meets in Marion, IL.  I am so excited!

I am still working on giving up the Diet Cokes.  I am down to one 24 ounce bottle per day.  My biggest concern is about the liquid diet before surgery. 

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Aug 20, 2008
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