The webs free Fitness Log


May 4, 2006
I am in the process of getting all my pre-op testing done. I am getting some negative feedback from a few people who think I should just "go on a diet" instead of going ahead with a serious surgery. When I hear comments like this, it makes me second-guess myself, thinking that it's a "sign" that maybe I shouldn't do this. I have to be strong!!!!

June 8, 2006
I have all my pretesting done, but I have one more support group meeting to attend on June 13th before my surgeon's office will ask the insurance company for approval. I am getting so antsy and I want this done now! Knowing that I will be having the surgery, I have strapped on the feed bag and am eating like there is no tomorrow. This is bad, I know. I have no control right now and am stuffing myself with "bad" foods.

June 14, 2006
I attended my second support meeting so now I am officially done with my pretesting. I called the surgeon's office and was told that I should be getting a call either later this afternoon or tomorrow to discuss my surgery date! I am getting very eager to get this done!!

July 19, 2006
I am five days away from the biggest change in my life! I am excited but extremely nervous. I had my pre-testing done 2 days ago and the nurse told me all the things I had to have done the morning of. I already knew about having a regular IV line, but what I also have to have is a catheter in my wrist to check arterial pressure during surgery!!! OMG!!!! Also, a foley catheter to monitor urine output, a naso-gastric tube (ewwww), and an epidural catheter (Ouch!!). I really think I have to ask for a sedative just for the needles!!! I pray to God that I have no complications......Wish me luck!

July 27, 2006
I am home from the hospital (actually, I came home yesterday). The surgery went well, according to Dr. Brathwaite. I am still in pain -- it feels like I've been punched in the stomach a few times! The nursing and aide staff at St. Catherine of Sienna Hospital were WONDERFUL and so caring. I was antsy to get out and come home though, and it was very hard to find a comfortable position to lay in. Sleeping was very difficult too, because it seems like whenever I nodded off, someone was waking me up to take my blood pressure to take my blood (I'm diabetic). So, I know I was a little cranky with them at times, but I hope they understand why!

Anyway, I've been trying to drink alot of water (in small sips, of course). I've taken my chewable vitamin and Tums with calcium to make sure I'm getting enough nutriition. I've had sugar free ice pops, half of a scrambled egg this morning, and half of a small chicken leg today. I don't really know when I am full, because my stomach is constantly in pain, so I just eat a little bit until it feels uncomfortable. I've been VERY gassy, though, I'll tell you that! Ewwww!!!

July 29, 2006
The pain is diminishing alot now. I am sleeping better and am able to sleep on my side with alot less pain. I pushed it by have a slice of London Broil last night -- I had tiny bites and chewed really well, but I know it was too soon to eat solids. I felt nausea for the rest of the night and had diarrhea. I am just getting sick of the bland crap that I have to eat now. I actually found that Weight Watchers makes a terrific tasting smoothie that has 15 grams of protein and when I add that to 1 cup of Skim Plus milk, that's 26 grams of protein. Not too shabby! The Unjury is not as good and the Profect protein drinks were absolutely horrible (in my opinion, anyway).

I am finding that the smell of food at this point makes me sick to my stomach (weird!), but I definitely understand what "head hunger" is because I WANT food, but know that my stomach will reject most anything I put in there right now. I weighed myself this morning and was 262.8 (I started at 270). Really cool!

August 1, 2006
I had my drain removed yesterday and I feel like a new person. It didn't hurt coming out -- just felt very uncomfortable! I am down to 258.5 after one week.

August 10, 2006
I have been 255.5 to 256.0 pounds for the last 5 days and I'm getting so fustrated! I've read all about the "stalls" and I'm trying to be patient, but it is so difficult. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I can't help feeling down on myself when I hear of others who have lost 20 pounds or more at this point. I'm getting the fears that the surgery was a failure, etc. I'm a bit depressed as you can tell. Also, one of my incisions lies right under where my pants button and it is so painful and irritated. I sit at my desk at work with my pants unbuttoned and unzipped to give myself relief! Hey, whatever works, right? I'm just a big, depressed blob right now!!! WAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

August 24, 2006
I seemed to have passed the little stall I was in, thankfully. I am now 247.9 pounds (and that's having my period, too!). One of my incisions is still a little sore, but alot better than what it was. I feel fine, but the weird thing is, if I eat lunch at work other than an Isopure drink (usually a few crackers with low-fat cheese), I get EXTREMELY tired -- like I could literally lie down on the floor and sleep! I definitely don't have alot of energy, but then again, I haven't been doing the walking either (I'm lazy, I'll admit it). I have my one-month checkup next week and I'm curious how my bloodwork will come out. My blood sugar has been great all the times I have checked it, so it seems my diabetes will no longer be an issue! Yayyyy!!! I am also getting used to eating such small portions. For instance, last night I made turkey burgers (with eggs and bread crumbs mixed in), with steamed broccoli and parmesan rice. I put one turkey burger, 1/4 cup of rice and 1/4 cup of broccoli on my plate. I was able to eat the burger and that's it. Before WLS, I would have had 2 burgers, a cup of rice and a cup of broccoli and still have room for dessert! This is a huge change, but kind of a welcome one. I still "miss" food, but I am getting over it slowly!

August 30, 2006.
Okay, I only lost a pound from last week.....feeling a little down on myself. I've been good with the protein, but not the water. I'm guessing this is the reason? I have to drink more....period....end of story.....

September 15, 2006
I am down almost 30 pounds now and I can finally feel a difference in some of my clothes.....My size 18 pants feel much looser and my mother told me she can tell I've lost weight.....I look in the mirror and don't see it yet though. I had my follow-up appointment and THANK GOODNESS -- my bloodwork came back and all is well. I don't have any deficiences. Wonderful news! I am still seeing a nutritionist and she told me to get at least 80 grams of protein per day and 60 grams of carbs......It's really hard to do at this point because I can't eat that much.....I can basically eat anything at all (I don't dump at all), but if I eat too fast, especially with meat, it comes right up. I've thrown up about 5 times since the surgery. It's a hard habit to get into to eat so slow and such small bites. Lifestyle change!!

 November 1, 2006

I am 222.3 pounds today!  I totally see a difference in my clothes now and it feels wonderful, and to be honest, a little scary, too.  I worry about sagging skin, and I am trying to remember to put lotion on my upper arms, inner and outer thighs, and stomach like my nutritionist recommended.  She said to put the lotion on twice a day, drink the required water, and do weights or bands....and this should greatly reduce or eliminate the "sag".   Well, I don't do the weights, don't get all the water and I'm lucky if I put on the lotion ONCE a day.....I don't know if it's from laziness or what....Now, as for eating, I pretty much eat anything that I want to.  Meat is hard to eat, not because of vomiting, but because after 3 bites, I am totally full and I hate that.....the meat sits like a brick in my stomach.....For example, for dinner last night, I made filet mignon, tater tots, and corn.....I ate the corn, the tater tots and 3 small bites of meat.  The rule is to eat protein first, but if I do that, I can't eat as much and that seems to really bother me.....So I guess my problem is psychological......I want to eat as much as possible or I feel "deprived"......weird stuff......


November 14, 2006

I am 219.9 pounds!  Not much of a loss since my last entry, but I tend to "stall" every couple of weeks.  I finally went back to the gym last weekend and my arms are still sore!  My nutriitionist told me to prevent the sagging skin, drink plenty of water, massage lotion into the trouble spots, and do resistance training.   I've already started to notice the sagging skin on my upper arms and inner thighs and I have to stop that!! EWWW......More next time....


December 1, 2006

Okay, so I am 217.....I only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks......I am going through one of my stalls again and I hate it!  I received an e-mail from another member who had surgery the same day as me and she lost double what I have (she started at the same weight as me, too).  I know that people will tell me that everyone loses weight at a different rate, but it's very difficult not to get upset about this........I know in my heart that it's my own fault, because although I don't eat large portions (I physically can't, anyway), I eat chips for a snack at night, and I KNOW I shouldn't do this.....It's almost like I am purposely sabotoging myself for some weird reason......I have to keep telling myself that I didn't go through this surgery, alter my insides, only to FAIL!!!  What the heck is wrong with me?

December 14, 2006

I am down to 213, for a total loss of 57 pounds.  The weight is CREEPING off, much slower than I would like!   I guess I am anxious to get below 200 pounds and it's taking forever! 

January 12, 2007

 I am 207.8 -- not far away from finally getting under 200 pounds!  I've had a few "wow" moments recently that I would like to write about....My husband and I spent Christmas in Italy a few weeks ago (the trip of a LIFETIME! --Beautiful country!).  Anyway, I've been wanting a pair of Diesel jeans for a long time, but never was able to get into them.  I tried on their largest size (size 36 -- they sell their jeans by waist size, I guess) and they fit!  Also, before I went away, I bought a pair of pants at Ann Taylor Loft in a size 14 and they fit!  I was blown away!

I do want to point out that sweets in large quantities does NOT agree with me at all.  In Italy, I bought gelato (Heaven on a cone! LOL) and after a few licks, I got totally sick.  Not diarrhea, but upset stomach and very tired.  For some reason, post WLS, I've been craving sweets (was NEVER like that before surgery, always preferred chips, nuts, etc).  But can only have small amounts.


January 16, 2007

I am down to 206.2 -- getting closer and closer to that "199" mark!  That will be a very happy day indeed.....I forgot to mention in my last post that my latest bloodwork showed borderline B12 deficiency and I am now taking Repliva once a day.  It has both B12 and Iron.....Hopefully, that will do the trick.  I am happy so far with my weight loss, but I have to be completely honest -- I do NOT excercise one bit.  That is a huge mistake and I know it.  I have no excuse other than laziness and I hate myself for it.  Also, I tend to eat really well all day at work, but when I am home, I tend to grab the snacks.  Even though I buy reduced fat or fat free chips or cookies, it's not what I am supposed to be eating......And I know this!!


April 12, 2007

It's been too long since my last update -- I recently moved down to NC, started a new job and bought a house.  Major changes!  Within the last year, I got married, had WLS, and moved out of state....Very stressful to say the least....Hopefully, I am done with the big changes, although I have been getting "baby fever".  I am 36 years old and the old biological clock is ticking away.  The surgeon told me to wait until I am one year out and at a stable weight.....So I am going to do my BEST to wait for 3 more months.  I'm not the most patient person in the world, but I have to at least try my best to do what is right health-wise.  As far as my eating goes, I've been getting more protein in than I have been lately.  I have to be completely honest, I do NOT get in the minimum water and protein.  I take the supplements faithfully and get my B12 shots, but I'm definitely not stringent about my diet.  I basically eat what I want (but not sweets -- I get so sick from them), just can't eat alot.  I wouldn't even try to post this info on the boards because I know I would get slammed from the "holier-than-thou" types, saying, well, why did you get the surgery if you're not going to follow through?.  To a degree, they are absolutely CORRECT.  That's why I've been making more of an effort to get that protein in and drink more.  I've been doing alot better, too!

May 31, 2007

I'm mad at myself.....I'm still 189 lbs. and I've been falling back into my "old" habits.  I've been grazing all day and eating junk food.  God help me if I fail and go back to the way I was..... 




About Me
Clayton, NC
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 6
I gained 3 lbs! All my fault!!!!
Getting closer and closer.....
8 lbs away from "ONEderland"!!!!!
These stalls are killing me.......
November 1, 2006
