on the other side

Aug 29, 2012

I have officially made it to the other side....About a week out now. Really dont feel any hunger. Gas pains were awful but thank God for gas x !!!!!!!!  Now just tryin to deal with seeing food everywhere.....but dont really want it which I love!!!!!!!!!

clear liquids.......

Aug 19, 2012

Ok so it's day three of clear liquids and so far I'm doing ok. I never realized how unconsciously  food is so ever present in my life. I will definitely have to find other outlets.Well wish me luck.... it's the final count down!!!!!
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I GOT A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 09, 2012

I finally got an official surgery date!!!!!!! August 23rd will be my new birthday, the beginning of the new me!!!!! I soooooooooooo excited I wanna scream!!!!!!!!!


sleep apena it is....

Jul 26, 2012

well it's been confirmed...I have sleep apnea...I was told I stop breathing 30 times in a hour, so that's roughly every two minutes.....I haven't decide if this is good news or not???   It at least explains why I'm always so very tired all the time.... I have to pick my machine up on Friday and to be honest I'm a lil excited...I just want to able to have energy again....and not be so grouchy to everyone....I'm usually such a happy person... So many bends and twists in this journey but I'm growing as a person because for the first time in my life I am putting myself and my health first....ONLY HAPPY THOUGHTS

is there a light at the end of the tunnel or is it a train????

Jul 14, 2012

OK so after having all the other testing done  the only one I had left to do was the sleep study .Well  I was finally scheduled for it on July 9th .... After several confirmation phone calls with the sleep center and a two hour drive there I find out the appt I had was canceled  because I need to have a consult with the sleep Dr first... This would have been nice to know before hand... Maybe during the SEVERAL phone confirmations!!!! Well after blowing my top they were able to reschedule it for the 11th and at least closer to home...... So then I go in for the sleep study get all hooked up and try to sleep and I finally get there only to be woken up and told I needed to put this mask on.....Guess I have sleep apnea .....Just really hoping this doesn't delay surgery any further...but don't get results till the 23rd so I tryin not to panic....

Thinkin I wanna throw in the towel

Jun 12, 2012

Thinkin I wanna throw in the towel....... I'm just feeling like I'm all alone.....I get this is going to be the hardest thing I've had to do but......

The waitin game.....

May 27, 2012

I've never really been one to have a lot of patience when I'm excited...... So the fact that Wed. is takin forever to get here is drivin me nutz.... I can't wait to get all the testing done. Except  for the sleep test I'm gettin almost everything knocked out in a day. I'm really nervous about the psychological eval..... just dont wanna say something dumb because I'm nervous and blow the whole thing...I have a tendency to do that...


May 02, 2012

I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path.I define myself by the courage I’ve found to forge new roads.
I do not define myself by how many disappointments I’ve faced.
I define myself by the forgiveness and the faith I have found to begin again.
I do not define myself by how long a relationship lasted.
I define myself by how much I have loved, and been willing to love again.
I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down.
I define myself by how many times I have struggled to my feet.
I am not my pain.
I am not my past.
I am that which has emerged from the fire.

Ball is rollin.....

Apr 19, 2012

Went to my first consult yesterday....Got the dates for my requirement appts!!!!!!! I just wanna dance!!!!!

First Appt!!!!!

Apr 10, 2012

I'm so excited I could scream!!!! Just got my 1st consultation appt!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!I'm also very nervous... not sure what to expect....I really wanna do this so I can be there for my kiddos.
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About Me
Rochelle , IL
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2012
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 11
