winter blues

Oct 07, 2009

Im so proud of myself, Im down 43 lbs and I feel great so far. I have so much more energy than before and I love the feeling of becoming who I always wanted to be. A HEALTHY HAPPY ME. I have a long way to go, I have my good days and bad days. Keeping my head up. Question is, With winter around the corner, I need so ideas of ways to stay active and creative at that. Im not the type to use the gym. Any ideas?



Jul 16, 2009

Im depressed have been all week :( Hope next week is better for me

Mini Vacation

Jul 05, 2009

This 4th of July weekend was great. Me and my Girls went to visit my parents in MD. My sister and her family also went. So the whole family was together. We all left thursday night and got back last night. Just what I needed to get away from home for a few days and spend time with the ones I love the most.  It gets me a little down in the dumps when I see how happy my sister is with her family. I love my sister very much and I want nothing but to see her happy, which she is, but I just wish I had that "life" for my girls. But I'm trying real hard to give them everyhting I can and lots of love and whats meant to be will one day find us. I lost another 2 lbs this week which was a shock to me with all the good eating we did this past weekend. Everything was so good and it was such a treat to see my parents and have the girls spend time with them. I wish we could all get together like that more often, which we plan to do that more, from now on. It's always a good thing to have a good support team with you every step of the way. Well, enough gabbing.. I hope everyone had a great 4th :)

On my way

Jun 28, 2009

I decided to weigh in on mondays last monday thinking it would help me watch what I eat on the weekends. So I got on the scale this morning and to my surprise I lost 6.3 lbs, by just watching what I ate last week and going for walks 3 times last week. I'm so proud of myself. I hope each week until I reach my 25 goes as good. Wish me Luck

new to this

Jun 25, 2009

I'm trying this website out. The profile fixing up and trying to figure out all the features is a little confusing to me. I hope I'm blogging in the right spot!

My insurance has been approved I'll only have a couple hundred to pay after all is done

Now I can work on my required weight loss of 25 within 6 months and reg doctor visit. I'm so excited that my dreams are coming true finally will keep everyone posted on my progress


About Me
Jun 11, 2009
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