Three weeks post-op!

Mar 22, 2011

So last Thursday i hit 3 weeks post RNY. I think the reason my update is so late has something to do with hitting my first plateau!!
Only 3 weeks in here i am 7.5 lbs down and i STOP losing weight! Needless to say, i was devastated to see a 0 loss on the scale and had my first thoughts of OMG what did i do to my body?! Don't get me wrong, i definitely expected to hit a stand still at some point.. just not 3 WEEKS IN!! and i started to doubt myself and the surgery in general. I started to crave things i can't have like cake, and chocolate and recognized my overeating as the coping skill it always was for me. I started mourning the loss of my FOOD!!
Thursday was a tough day, no doubt, but Friday i woke up re-motivated thanks to my babe who sent me an article discussing the effects of RNY in the first few months after surgery. It turns out my first plateau in the first month isn't exactly uncommon but more the norm! i couldn't believe it! and truthfully it made me feel like: ok, maybe i'm not messing this up but my body is just not ready to release those pounds right now. Once i allowed myself to accept it, i was able to move on. 
I'm getting excited for this week's weigh in though and i'm hoping to at least move the needle a bit. But if i don't, i'll just review my week and see if there was anything from a diet and exercise standpoint i could have done differently and if not, then just accept it. Sometimes these things happen and in the overall picture of my journey to better health i'm making major strides. Just yesterday, my surgeon told me that i've lost 16% of my excess body weight already in only 1 month.. That is insane progress!! So i choose to celebrate my wins and accept that i will face set backs along the way!

Happy Tuesday all!! 


About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2011
Member Since

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