1 year

Sep 04, 2009

I sure have been lazy at doing any updates here. Not because I don't care, I just really have been busy and life is kind stressed.  I feel wonderful.....can't even put into words how great I feel actually. Some days my kids tell me to slow down. How crazy is that? I am having major issues going from a person in a morbidly obese body to someone that is normal. I think the biggest problem is when I go out and I get hit on, I don't know what to think/how to act/what to say...ugh. Then the bad marriage issues....makes life so complicated most days.
Anyway...don't want to be a total downer. I FEEL AMAZING. I am so glad I was able to have this surgery.
I am down 145 since seminar and 120 since surgery. A size 26 to an 8 so far. But most important, I feel like I have a great healthy life.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2008
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