Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 9 months ago
Lower stomach pain on right side??? - Just wondering if anyone has experienced this??? I'm almost 4 months out and a little worried. Going to see my surgeon thursday for 4 month followup.

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Surgery Tommorrow - The day has finally arrived tommorrow is surgery day. My surgery is at 12pm at HRRH. Little nervous with all different thoughts going through my head about my family. No thoughts o...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Vitamins/Hosiptal - Do you bring your vitamins to hospital for after surgery??? Or did you wait til you got home???

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
OPTI - On day 9 of my opti and not feeling too good. For the past two days i've had the cold sweats and shakes! Jsut started feeling better today. Don't have a cold or flu. Has anyone bee...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Length of surgery - I totally forgot to ask how long the surgery will be. My surgery is June 15 @ 12pm, was told to be there by 10am. Does anyone know how long it will take if I'm in at 12?

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Heprin/Humber River - Having my surgery June 15 an went fir my PATTS last week. I asked the nurse about Heprin shots n she seemed not to know anything about them. Anyone who's had surgery at Humber did...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
PATTS - Just wondering what to expect at my PATTS appt? I have my appt tommorrow.

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Vitamins??? - Just went to buy all my vits. I think the are ok, but just wondering if anyone has any input. Life Brand Optimum High Potency MultiVit Caplets(one a day)with 18mg Iron in it. Calt...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
GOT MY DATE!!! - Received my phone called Friday afternoon letting me know my surgery date is June 15,2011. Soooo excited!!! Start opti in a week and then before i know it surgery day will be here.

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone want to sell their optifast? - Looking for some optifast that is for sell. I'm in the Richmond Hill area. PLS let me know if u have an. Thanks, Lilla

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Surgeon's appt for date - Went to see Dr Huynh yesterday and the appt went very well They didnt have the schedule for July/August surgeries, as that is when they are booking surgeries now. So just waiting ...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Dr Glaser Appt - Yesterday I went to see Dr Glaser and he gave Dr Huynh the go ahead to book surgery date I have my appt with surgeon on April 28 to get my date!!! So excited. My appt with Dr Glas...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
NUT/SW APPTS - Can anyone tell me what to expect for the nut and sw appts? Just wondering what kind of questions and what they go through at these appts.Kind of want to prepare myself. Thanks in ...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Bene Protein Flavourless powder - Can anyone tell me where I can but the protein powder to add to food or drink? Thanks

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 4 months ago
I have sleep apnea :( Need to ask some questions. - I just found out I have severe sleep apnea. I am devestated. I have my appt with dr.glazer mid april n my nut/sw end of april.will this delay my process of having the surgery? I go...

Lilla M. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 4 months ago
Gastric Bypass Class - I have my gastric bypass class the end of March and was wondering if my husband should be there? He will be coming the NUT/SW APPTS. Also, is the class the 3 hrs they say it is? T...
About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2010
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Friends 9
