Hi Everyone!

OK here we go...like many people on this sight I have fought with my weight since I was younger. My entire family is small and then there was me. All through high school I kept it pretty much in check so I could be a cheerleader and do all the high school things teenage girls do, but after I went to college, got married and had kids I never saw under the 2 digits at the beginning of my weight again.

Then in 1990 we moved to the coast of California and I started having problems with chronic asthma. The doctors put me on a steroid called prednisone and for eight years I began getting bigger and bigger. My weight was out of control.

Long story short I divorced my husband, moved, was able to get off the prednisone, and started on the diet roller coaster again. Sadly nothing worked for long and each time I gained my weight back I climbed higher up the scale.

After years of trying to get to have the WLS...... July 25, 2006 I was able to start my new life.

I feel better than I have in years and after 12 weeks I have lost around 60 pounds! I am still fighting several demons...old habits and the worst is the fear that I am going to stop losing and climb back higher than I was before. Deep down I know there is a change, but the old thoughts still creep back into my mind all the time.

Life is at an exciting stage for me. I am in the last two semesters of college and I will be a certified teacher. My oldest daughter is 20 years old and doing awesome and my youngest daughter is 16 years old and will be a senior and graduate next year. I am single and realizing I have a brand new life to live and many changes are happening in the next two years that are all positive!

I hope anyone that wants to talk will visit with me and take this fun journey with me!

Your friend,



About Me
Republic, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 1
12 weeks out
