Shame on me

Oct 18, 2009

for not posting! LOL Bet you thought I did something bad! LOL No.. just trying each day not to screw up.

I'm doing well.. my incisions are a little sore still, and one is still draining (the port one) but I'm fine. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and we went out to dinner.. I had salmon and it was great - of course I brought half of it home. I also had wine - a little too much but that's ok LOL -- so it is possible to eat and drink after lap-band!

I'm starting to exercise again, but not as faithful as I should be - need to change that!


6 Days Post-Op

Sep 28, 2009

and feeling like a new person. I'm still tired... that's to be expected... but I actually am driving (just a little) and love listening to sounds like my stomach growling.. it never did that before! LOL

I went to my nurse practitioner yesterday and to date I've lost 10 pounds (since last Wednesday) and 30 since I started this in June. I've not been this 'thin' since 2001!! I'm eating softer foods - ok, so I am an over-achiever - but they are staying down. It is funny how texture means a lot after eating nothing but clear and full liquids. LOL

I'm off ALL of my meds... just the thyroid one stays but that's because once that gland goes, there is no going back. I am doing laundry, doing all of the ADLS once done before and being careful. But it feels DAM good to start to like myself again.. did I ever? 


I made it through surgery!

Sep 23, 2009

Hi everyone! I made it! 

I went in at 9 yesterday morning... they did the usual pre-op work (IV, temp, BP, blood sugar, etc) and then I sat around with Pat for an hour or so. The nurse anesthesiologist, Joe, was a wonderful guy.. he came in and did his 'this will happen' thing and we joked about me being an old OR nurse! Took me in to holding at 10:30 and into the OR around 11... Dr. Weiss was doing double duty - clinic and surgery.

I woke up in recovery at 12:15. Dry cough which precipitated a sore throat (that and the endotracheal tube) which precipitated pain. I got a little Morphine which depressed my breathing so I had to remember to do that!

Went up to 4 Central (this is in Auburn Memorial in Auburn NY) and had an entourage of nurses get me there. Pat was in the room and wondered what I had done to get this kind of treatment... I said, I was just nice.. :O)

Stayed in the room for about 1 1/2 hours to be sure the vitals were stable, and I could pee. I had Pat go down to the gift shop and get the nurses a box of candy.. which of course they loved.. and then by 4 p.m. we were on the road and home at 6.

I knew I had to have 'something' for supper last night, so I had about 3 ounces of chicken brother and 1 scoop of sugar free sherbet. Since my meds are liquid, I had to put them in something.. word to the wise.. get them either flavored or put them in sherbet or something sugar free if they are liquid.. they can be really nasty tasting.

Slept a lot last night and just got up to go to the bathroom. So.. day one started with a bang, and it can only get better.


My last photo before surgery tomorrow

Sep 21, 2009


In 96+ hours

Sep 18, 2009

I'll be having my surgery. I'm getting a little nervous.. not about the surgery or the aftermath... I think just in general getting everything done I need to.

I wonder.. what I'll look like during this phase... I've never seen myself thin ever.. well, maybe in pictures but then that isn't me now, it was me 40 years ago! 

I am so blessed to have friends who support me... and to have my hubbie Pat. I know this sounds silly but I only wish my Mom were still alive to see this. She'd have been so proud of me. But you cannot change things.. life is as it is.

I will say I'm not thrilled about clear liquids the day before surgery.. guess I have to make some kosher chicken soup this weekend! 


10 Days and Counting!

Sep 13, 2009

Well, it's 10 days till my surgery! I'm still writing everything down (I hadn't for awhile, but thought I'd better get back in to it!) and I'm watching what I am eating. I wish I could get in the swing of things exercising... but I just don't have the interest or the energy to schlep all the way over to the gym on the other side of town. I know I'll have to change that!

I went to Fashion Bug yesterday to try to find something to wear to my husband's birthday dinner on Thursday, and nothing interested me.. maybe it is my way of saying stop looking at the 2X's! LOL

I am not scared at all about the surgery... I just want to get on the road with it. I am not sure what to expect or how I'll feel, but I have a lot of friends and Pat who will help me through it all!


I've been approved!

Aug 31, 2009

 Yeahy!!! I've been approved for my surgery... I'm telling you, you have got to be a pain in the arse to your insurance companies. My packet was sent down on the 10th of August... so I began calling on the 15th. They could not find the info.. someone either didn't send it or it got lost on someone's desk. So.. I became a pain in the arse to my doctor and finally got it all sent again on the 24th. It was approved on the 27th!! But you HAVE to stay on top of it!!

So, I'm set for surgery on the 25th of September! I've lost 22 pounds so far and glad this journey is going so well.

Should have done it sooner! LOL

I've lost my 15!

Aug 07, 2009

I'm so excited... we just got back from the surgeon, and in the past 2 months I've lost 15 pounds!! Now my packet can get sent in to the insurance company! I want this DONE!!!! 

My first post

Jul 17, 2009

Hi everyone! Well... I'm on my way to my surgery. I've gone through all of the psychological sessions, the blood work, and next week is the last support group (required) and my endoscopy. I had hoped to do this in October, but things have changed. We had a plan to go to see the Rock and Roll hall of fame in Cleveland in September, but our middle English Springer Coco had to have emergency surgery - torn anterior cruciate ligament. So.. bye bye money to go on vacation!

That is ok. As soon as I get off 5 more pounds we can have a date set! I'm excited...

About Me
Watertown, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2009
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