Dec 31, two hours from the last year ending in "13" ever again.

Dec 31, 2013

For most of my teen and young adult life, I wished for anorexia.  I would have tried bulemia, if I had that kind of self control. But I never did. 

A recent slew of new symptoms hit and I went to see my Upper Extremity Orthopedist - new doctors, new disorders. I don't have Type II Diabetes, I don't have High Blood Pressure, Edema, liver disease.  That should all be good yes?  But, because Obamacare doesn't officially start until January 1, and my Medicare Open Enrollment ends December 7, I was denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions - which is funny; because I was blackballed in 2002 before I had the bariatric Roux n Y.  Then I shrunk down to 138 which looked almost sickly.  And like most, the weight crept back on.

A new diagnosis explains what has and is happening to me now.  "Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy" - actually called something bigger and more intimidating, but the signs were there for a long time.  Of course. Catching it early would/could have minimized or reduced even maybe halted it's progression.  But nobody put the symptoms together. I sat in front of my Orthoped's therapist, sweating like it was a sauna, the AC was set to 70.  In any meeting, with no notice, I would break out into a drenching sweat. I would mention this to my PP and he offhandedly mentioned some kind of sweat gland removal.  But the other symptoms were less pleasant.  My hair was growing at sligntly more than an inch a month; my colorist/stylist was freaking out.  She'd just cut it!  And 3 weeks after a touch up, I already had a 1/2" new growth.  What I hadn't noticed, because the other stuff was much more prevalent, was the loss of appetite. I ate Cheerios and yoguft exclusively and little else.  The last time I got on a scale at my doctor's office, more out of curiosity since the size 12 genes no longer fit, it said "184".  That was cool.  At least moving in the right direction.  I had no idea what was to come.

The pain...  The pain from Sjogren' Syndrome was management. The pain from RDS is not so manageable and the pain is frequent and strong in it's intensity.  

My daughter made a comment about my arms today and I told her to "Get the Scale".  She dutifully stood by.  163.5  That was 20.5lbs.  Then I took off my jeans but left my shirt and undies off.  Another pound and a half gone.  Finally, I went to the bathroom and weighed myself after:  160.5.  A total of 23.5 pounds lost in maybe 3 months?  And it's still going.  I have no appetite whatsoever.  

Compounded by the stress of a cruel, ugly divorce and ex who doesn't think he is responsible for debts that are clearly his, I can't even afford my medications.  I did find one plan (Medicare Rx Plan) that covered 100% of my meds including the one I paid nearly $1, for a 90 day supply,.  If Obamacare had extended it's open enrollment through March for Medicare, my old "pre-exists" would be a non-issue.  Maybe next year.

Posting a new pic or few.  If this doesn't stop by 145, this will be a problem.  I'm 5'8" and still have my DDs (eau naturale).  Will see Rheumatologist in new year when he's on my new plan.  Just blogging life, and hoping, praying, begging ane pleading that 2013, the last year ending in "13" that I will ever live through again, really ends and the next year will be better.

Happy New Year to my Friends and new friends at OH.  I still come here when I need support, even if it is reading others' stories.  Thank you for sharing your journeys with me.




About Me
Leander, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2005
Member Since

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