Fairway Medical

"The only complaint I'd have is that there wasn't much pre-op and post-op privacy. This is an out-patient facility so the patients are recovered and then released as soon as possible. This is not a reflection on the staff. They were incredible! I told my husband on the drive home that I wanted to fill out an application to work there!"

Matthew French

"SURGEON #1- Dr. Danny Scott. I worked with Dr.Scott at Tulane in the O.R. He is an excellent surgeon. That was the reason I chose him as my bariatric surgeon. His office manner was very friendly and easily made me feel comfortable. I have no complaints about him. On the other hand, his staff needs some help. His usual program coordinator is out on maternity leave, and the interim nurse is not very organized. My appeal has been sitting on her desk for the past 2 months because she forgot to call me and tell me she needed more information. I thought it was the insurance company that was taking their time. She even lied to me and told me at one point that my appeal had been sent. This in inexcusable. I have since had my records sent to another WLS program in the New Orleans area. How many other patients has he lost due to staff incompetence? SURGEON #2- Dr. Raury O'Connell. He seems very nice and was easy to talk to. He did rush our initial visit, and I wasn't able to ask any of my questions. After Hurricane Katrina the hospital that Dr.O'Connell worked out of was destroyed and he relocated to FLA. It took 4 months to track down his program director and find this information out. I feel sorry for his post-op patients that were just forgotten about. Again, his program director did not send my packet to my insurance for approval when she said she had. I am so tired of the lies! SURGEON #3- Dr. Matthew French. He was very nice and spent, what I thought, was an unusually long time with me for my pre-op visit. I felt bad, and thought he was missing his other appointments. He answered all of my questions and was very thorough. I am very impressed with his office staff and nurses. They are professional and return your calls in a timely fashion. They explain everything to you and what is expeced of you, and never leave you wondering, "what do I do next?" I have decided to forgo insurance approval and pay out-of-pocket for my surgery. I am tired of having to deal with incompetent staff and insurance companies with MBA's making my health care decisions for me."

Vesta Batchelder

"I found Vesta to be very friendly, helpful, and "down to earth". I was afraid that she was going to present all this info to me and send me on my way. This was not the case. She let me ask many question. She even found me when I was in the clinic for another appointment to check on me to see if I had tried some protein drinks and started by vitamins. I was very impressed."
About Me
Metairie, LA
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2005
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