
Apr 09, 2011

Well, Monday is a full day of tests.  Ultrasound, chest xray, bloodwork.  It is starting to seem  more and more real.  People ask me if I'm nervous.  I'm not nervous at all.  I wonder sometimes if I should be nervous.. but I'm just not.  I am excited and just wish for May 10th to get here faster!


Mar 27, 2011

Finally Tricare has approved my surgery once and for all.  It has now been scheduled for May 10, 2011.  Now for all the Pre op appointments.  I am so happy.  It is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders to know that I won't have to live like this forever.  I can't wait for the day I can go out and play ball with my son or to just go walk around the mall with my daughter without being in pain or feeling like I'm embarrassing her.  The count down begins.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Mar 10, 2011

Well, It has been so crazy.  I started being worked up for my surgery early last summer.  Tricare has denied me twice and we have re-done the request for Authorization, and Tricare finally approved it!  I was so excited that I cried.  Today, I find out that they want proof of the C-pap manchine that THEY authorized or they plan on overturning the approval... REALLY TRICARE???  I have proof, they have proof, but now, once again, we are waiting for Tricare to decide my life for me...

It has been so emotional for me.  I have severe joint pain, and I gained a ton of weight when my parents died in 2008 and 2009.  I then gained more weight when I took custody of 3 children from my niece ( I already have 2 of my own).  I spent many mnoths being depressed, sick, in the hospital and in pain due to the weight on my joints.  I just can't wait for t his moment to happen.  If Tricare decides not to overturn my approval, I will be good to go and scheduled for suregery in early May.  That seems so far away right now, but it's only 1 1/2 months.  Nothing to the time and tears I have spent trying to get this approved.

Praying for a solid YES!!  Please Lord, Please Lord.

About Me
Mar 09, 2011
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