Wow.....what a can of.....comments

Jul 26, 2011

About 2 weeks after I had surgery, I let people know that I had gone ahead and had the gastric bypass.  My family and a few friends knew, and I had planned on keeping it that way for awhile.  A lot of people knew I was looking into the procedure, but I didn't really let too many people know my plan. 

Well, social sites may just be the devil's!  I posted a status on Facebook about attending a weight loss surgery support group that the hospital runs.  I mentioned that it was interesting and had some handy tips.  My husband commented that it also makes you accountable to someone other than just family.  Well, it started a battle of sorts.  I have a friend that I've known since I was about 16......we've been friends for a little over 20 years......she was a large girl all through high school and recently (like over the past 5 years) she's lost over 200 lbs, with no surgery......but not in the most healthy way either.  I'm proud of her for making that kind of commitment to herself, and that she's happy with herself, but it's turned her into one of THOSE people......she knows everything about losing weight and what the best way is, and she's the expert on MY body.  She happened to comment on this status, 2 weeks after I posted it, basically saying she did her weight loss any weight loss truly unaided?  Whether it's diet, exercise, surgery, it's all in using aids.....or tools.  She started a storm of comments, most people thought she was being a self-righteous jerk.  For some reason she's been totally against me even thinking about surgery from the the point that she said that she'd heard I'd had an unsuccessful lap-band procedure.

Now all that drama being told, I thought long and hard about the choice I made, including which surgery I had.  It's not like you go to the dr's and 3 days later you're in.....there are a lot of hoops to jump through.  It's something that you live with for the rest of your life, you can't go back and change it.  I honestly didn't think that surgery was an option for me at all.....I didn't think I was overweight enough to qualify for it (If you had military insurance, you understand), and I'd had a total hip replacement 3 months prior to that.  But, I made a choice that I needed a healthier life......yes, I've had those days where I still think "What the hell did I do?", it usually pops into my head after I ate to fast and end up sick, or start craving bread.   My choice has actually changed the way my whole family lives and eat.  We all eat much healthier meals, more veggies, more fruit, we're looking at labels, and most of all, we're all exercising.  So I guess in the end, support me or not, but I made the right choice for ME.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 26, 2011
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