Getting there!

Nov 21, 2011

 I'm currently at 21 weeks post op, and I'm feeling greatI've lost 56 lbs in about 5 months.  I was told my the PA at the surgeon's office that it was a little fast, considering I was one of the "smaller" patients.  I'm working out a lot.....Zumba, seated elliptical trainer, treadmill, walking our dogs and have started weight training.  I'm a little worried about getting bulky, because I have a tendency to go from lean to football player pretty quick.  I always hate weigh-in's during PMS week.....oh the water that I retain!  The best feeling was getting rid of all the clothes that were WAY to big now.......about 5 garbage bags worth of clothes......but at the same time, I look in the mirror and notice that some parts are getting smaller, but the part that I hate most, my belly, is still there....smaller, yes.....but still there.  It's soft and wiggly, and reminds me of what Santa's belly might look like....a bowl full of Jello!!  I wonder if I'll always look in the mirror and see "that fat girl" that I was.

I am learning my limits and triggers......I LOVE tater tots....they DO NOT love me.....I can eat 3 before things go horribly gastronomic.  I know that I get late in 1-4 hrs after the "bad" food was consumed....I know when my bllod sugar is taking a dive.......I've learned what pasta is ok to eat and what is not.  I think one of the most rewarding parts of this journey is that my son is understanding more and more about nutrition, and my husband has been on board since day one.  We're trying to make a convert out of our daughter still.  It's not about denying yourself what you love, but knowing what your limits instead of a huge piece of cake, you take a few bites

My goal was to weigh 170 lbs by Christmas.....and here were are the week of Thanksgiving and I'm weighing in at 172.8 lbs.....I'm thinking I may need to shoot for 160-165 at Christmas!!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 26, 2011
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