Life is good!

Jul 20, 2008

Well, the surgery went great, it's been about 9 months now and I have lost 124 lbs. It's coming off very slow now. This is the best thing I ever did for myself! All is good.......real good! All I can say is thank you to Dr Lord and his staff for being the best at what they do! They definitly have saved my life!

The surgery date is scheduled!

Sep 25, 2007

Well, I was at work, just coming back from my last break and my cell phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw the caller i.d. and got so excited! It was Jan, she said they have a date open for next thursday, October 4th! Wow, that's just a week and 2 days away! I wanted it, less time to be nervous about it! I had to check with my boss first ,after that was cleared I had to make sure my husband could drive me there that day, and he could, so I called Jan back and said I'll take it! My pre op appt is this friday. I am so nervous and so excited!


Sep 21, 2007

Well, I think I had all the tests I needed. My psyc appt went well, I've had my 2 nutrition classes, bloodwork and finally my endoscopy! My b12 was 57, really low,it should be around 300, no wonder I've been so tired! Now I'm taking a 2500mg b12 supplement daily. I had my enoscopy thursday, 9-20-07 with Dr Friedman, he said everything looked great, he saw no reason why I couldn't get the bypass surgery!  So today I called blue cross to see how long the approval would take and they told me it had already been approved!!! Great news, it really made my day. It won't be long now till I have a surgery date!


Aug 12, 2007

Well I had my first dr visit  on august 8th at 2pm. Dr Lord is so nice, he seems to love what he does. I felt very comfortable at the appointment. He seems so confident! He says I am a perfect candidate for this surgery and I will breeze right thru it! Next I have to go to 2 nutrition classes and  have to  get a letter of medical necessity from my primary care doctor.

the letter!

Jun 27, 2007

well, I got the letter on what to bring for my 1st appt. I went to white wilson where my family dr is and they are going to get me copies of all my most recent lab work so I can bring it with me to dr Lords. I'm not sure what they need so I checked everything! I have plenty of time, my appt is still a long way off! 

the call!

Jun 14, 2007

Well, I got my call today for my initial appt. with Dr Lord. It's august 8th!
My psyc appt is july 11th.

About Me
niceville, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 6
Life is good!
The surgery date is scheduled!
the letter!
the call!
